Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1954 Her bottom line is Li Beijue and Chi Baobao

"Speaking of money, it should mean that you used substandard materials for money, which caused this accident, right?" The female reporter was indeed thinking the same as Lin An, and she insisted on Chi Enen, trying to Chi Enen dragged him into the water.

Chi Enen glanced at her indifferently. Compared to the excited reporter, although there was anger on her face, she looked much calmer and said, "Have you ever understood me before you said this?"

"Why should I..." You almost blurted out knowing that.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and kept her mouth shut.

I didn't even know the interviewee before coming to the interview, so it would seem like she had been paid to deliberately cause trouble.

In fact, she didn't take money from anyone at all. She just wanted to report a hot news. The more interesting the news, the better.

Who knew that in front of so many people, Ryan's representative would be so disrespectful to her and confront her head-on with such a tough attitude.

She already regretted being the first person just now. If she had known she would not have stood up so quickly, now she has offended everyone to death. Even if she backs down now, it will be useless.

Ryan’s representative was offended…

She felt extremely regretful, and now she could only confront Chi Enen.

"You don't understand, right? Let me tell you, I am not only the representative of Ryan, but also the Habsden family behind me. When you are saying that I deliberately use substandard materials for hundreds of thousands of profits, you'd better first Get your logic straight. Why would I do this for money that I can't even afford a watch?"

The female reporter stuttered when asked, and couldn't find her voice for a long time. After a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "It's not like you have a lot of money, so you won't take advantage of it. Isn't this how rich people earn their money?" ?"

"Where's the evidence? It's all based on your conjecture? Do you think, you think, that's why you can just stand here and talk nonsense?"

Chi Enen is aggressive.

She rarely treated someone with such an aggressive attitude. She was only so aggressive when she was cornered by Chi Ya and Chi Jianguo and was completely disappointed.

In the past two years, because of Chi Baobei and Li Beijue's presence, her temper was much gentler than before.

But it is a gentle person who is really scary when he gets angry!

Chi Enen looked at her embarrassed face with bright eyes and said word by word, "Were you angry when I just said that you took other people's money and deliberately made things difficult for me?"

"I didn't!" the female reporter immediately retorted.

Chi Enen looked at her calmly and said, "Yes, you didn't, that's what I guessed. Likewise, I didn't either. Aren't you just relying on guesswork, talking nonsense there, and deliberately misleading public opinion?" "

The female reporter was blocked and couldn't utter a single word. She couldn't possibly say that she was guessing, but she felt that Chi Enen had someone use unqualified materials with knowledge, which led to the accident. .

If she said this, wouldn't it be equivalent to admitting that she was just talking nonsense and would go to any lengths for the sake of news?

Chi Enen saw her blushing, her face turning blue, white and purple, and she was speechless for a while. She took a step back and faced all the guns and cannons aimed at her, and said forcefully, "I know that the public is very concerned about this incident in the city center, and as the owner of the shopping mall, Ryan is indeed very concerned about this matter. Passing the buck. But!”

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