Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1981 He really showed a good temper

Quan Dongting thought he would be unhappy or get up and leave. After all, he had heard about Li Beijue's temper and knew that his personality was not the type to listen patiently to others.

What's more, he said it so rudely.

But he didn't expect that the man sitting opposite not only listened, but also showed no sign of dissatisfaction or impatience.

Quan Dongting raised his brows, a glimmer of light slipped through his eyes, and in a blink of an eye he returned to normal and said, "Of course, I am dissatisfied with you. As long as Enen likes you, I will support her choice."

"However, my mother is very worried. Moreover, you are about to get married, but you have never visited us. This also makes my mother dissatisfied."

Li Beijue looked at him in surprise.

Is this Quan Dongting giving him some advice on how to speak when facing Mrs. Habsden?

He felt like it, but wasn't sure.

After all, Quan Dongting said it lightly, as if he said it accidentally.

Li Beijue pursed his thin lips, already knowing in his heart.

Regardless of whether Quan Dongting said that to remind him, he would have to behave well later.

After Quan Dongting chatted with him for a few words, he took him to the garden.

There is a set of beautiful circular fabric sofas placed in the garden, with scented tea placed in the middle, which looks particularly artistic.


An energetic old man with gray hair was playing there with a chubby, cute little girl in his arms.

The little girl's fair and tender face is red, and it can be seen that she has been well cared for these days.

She seemed to hear the movement here, and suddenly turned around and saw Li Beijue walking with Quan Dongting. Her eyes lit up and she shouted excitedly, "Dad...Dad..."

The loving old man's eyes were full of love, and he quickly pulled her to prevent her from falling due to too much excitement. He whispered to the side, "My little ancestor, be careful, sit down, sit down first."

"Zu Zu." The little girl was more excited than anyone else. She pointed at Li Beijue and said as if to show off, "Dad, Nuonuo's dad."

Mrs. Habsden originally wanted to give Li Beijue a blow, but when she was so disturbed, she had no choice but to follow her and said, "Yes, yes, I understand."

Nuonuo looked left and right, looking behind Li Beijue for a long time, but couldn't find her brother. She pouted, her big black and white eyes were extremely aggrieved, "Brother, there is no brother."

"Your brother went to buy candies for you, so he didn't come." Li Beijue said nonsense without changing his expression.

The little girl blinked her eyes, her aggrieved expression suddenly turned into that of a greedy cat drooling, and asked uncertainly, "Brother Guo, can you buy some candy?"

In her little world view, Chi Baobao is her favorite person and the stingiest person she has ever seen. Although she was still young and could not quite express the meaning of the word stingy, she just felt that her brother was good at everything, but he was too stingy. Especially for her, he threatens her with her candy every time, causing her to drool just looking at the candy.

So when Li Beijue said that Chi Baobao had gone to buy candies for her, her first reaction was happiness, and her second reaction was doubt.

Li Beijue met her suspicious gaze and said without changing his expression, "Yes."

Nuonuo is only two years old and is as simple as a blank piece of paper.

She thought that with her brother's stingy personality, it was impossible for him to buy her candy, but even though Li Beijue said it, she was still so happy that she wanted to jump up.

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