Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1984 Missing a grandson-in-law with eye problems

"But the Habsden family lacks nothing except a grandson-in-law with an eye problem." Old Mrs. Habsden suddenly said seriously, "Okay, today I asked Dongting to send you a message to ask you to come over. Actually, Just one thing. Let me talk to you about the wedding first."

"I finally got Enen back. I want to do my best for her wedding. I had someone design a wedding dress for her mother before, and I have always treasured it. Her mother..." Her eyes darkened. After a pause, he continued, "Her mother can no longer use it. I hope she can get married in that wedding dress."


Li Beijue met the Chi family.

Compared with the Chi family, both Mrs. Habsden and Quan Dongting can make people feel a strong sense of family.

He suddenly understood why Chi Enen respected Mrs. Habsden so much. He had only spent a short time with the old lady, and he could feel the old lady's heartfelt concern for Chi Enen. Having been with Mrs. Habsden for so long, she must be able to feel this warmth even more.

She must like the Habsden family very much and cherish her hard-won relatives, so she would talk so much to Mrs. Habsden.

Before he knew it, he had noticed that Mrs. Habsden might not like him, so he quietly found Mrs. Habsden and used her own method to convince her.

"Also, in addition to this, I will also transfer all the property entrustment lawyers in my name to Enen. I hope you understand that Enen is not the same as before. She is no worse than anyone else. If one day You have betrayed her trust in you. Her uncle and I will take her home! Once she does come home, it will be too late for you to pick her up! My Habsden family can afford to raise her. I hope You understand this, whether she is Mrs. Li or not, she will always be the eldest lady of the Habsden family!"

Regardless of whether he is Mrs. Li or not, she will always be the eldest daughter of the Habsden family!

This is a warning and also an elder’s full love for his beloved granddaughter!

Quan Dongting didn't expect the old lady to be so serious when she arrived. He had a headache. At this time, he intervened to smooth things over, "Mom, don't you see what gift Beijue brought you?"

Mrs. Habsden had already put away her sharp gaze, rolled her eyes at him, and said angrily, "I would rather see what gift your wife brings me. When will you let me see it?"

Quan Dongting was scolded back by her in public, and he touched the bridge of his nose with a helpless look, "Mom, didn't you agree not to talk about this matter for the time being?"

Mrs. Habsden's eyebrows suddenly jumped up and she glared at him fiercely before she started to say, "Okay, you really think I'm too involved, right? You just don't want to see me now, right?" Right? Oh, my heart..."

Quan Dongting didn't know where he had offended her today. He regretted interjecting so much and couldn't explain helplessly, "I didn't."

"Then when will you meet the girl I told you about?" Old Mrs. Habsden covered the position of her heart. Just now it was called the heart, but now she acted like a normal person. She was just trying to achieve her goals. An old boy whose purpose is to act rogue.

As she said this, she suddenly looked at Li Beijue and said, "I remember that when you and Enen first met, you didn't like Enen very much. It was only later that you fell in love with Enen as we got along slowly. Bar?"

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