Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1986 No one needs to tell him, he will protect his woman

Mrs. Habsden immediately showed a successful smile and said, "That's pretty much it. Let's just say it. I'll tell others."

"Well. Let me tell you first. I'm just going to take a look. Don't talk nonsense then, so as not to embarrass the other party." He was afraid that his mother would get excited and insist on calling her his future daughter-in-law. After all, the old lady used to He had a criminal record for forcing a marriage. He spent a lot of energy to deal with that woman. If another one comes, he won't have so much time to deal with it.

The old lady rolled her eyes at him, as if she were an old child, "I understand, don't worry. This time I specifically chose a girl who looks like Hass according to your taste. I guarantee you will like it."

Quan Dongting, "..."

His temples are going to explode!

Except for being a little serious at the beginning, Mrs. Habsden was approachable and easy to get along with at other times. There was no harsh warning that he would take Chi Enen away if he was not good to Chi Enen. On the contrary, he is really like a child, breaking out some interesting information about Quan Dongting's childhood from time to time.

Li Beijue couldn't help but relax in such an atmosphere.

Before, he was worried about what to do when he met his parents for the first time. Only when he actually met Chi Enen's family did he realize that everything he had read online and heard from Huo Tingting and others was unreliable.

Only when he got to know Chi Enen's family did he realize that meeting parents could be very easy.

Old Mrs. Habsden was not in good health. After chatting for a while, her face showed a tired look.

The housekeeper immediately said, "Old madam, it's time for you to take your medicine. Go back to your room and rest first."

Quan Dongting immediately stood up and said, "Mom, you go back first, I'll just stay here with Young Master Li."

Old Mrs. Habsden hesitated for a moment, her energy was indeed a little bit behind her, and then she reluctantly said, "Okay, I'll take the medicine first, and you guys can chat."

She left with the help of the housekeeper.

After she walked away, Quan Dongting withdrew his worried eyes, rubbed his temples that were swollen from the pressure to get married, and said, "Let's go, I'll take you out. You should be busy with other things."

Li Beijue stood up and followed him.

As Quan Dongting led him out, he suddenly said, "My mother doesn't know about Enen Company yet. I'll leave Nono here for a few days and let Nono stay with her to prevent her from paying attention to other things." Before she goes back, I will return Nono to you."

Li Beijue narrowed his eagle eyes and touched his thin lips, "Okay."

"What do you think about Ryan's matter?" Quan Dongting stopped and glanced at him, his brown eyes deep and steady, "I have asked someone to check, and the news I got here is that that batch of materials is indeed not Passed, the news will probably be announced online tomorrow. Once the news is announced, Enen will inevitably be hit by greater public opinion, how can you protect her?"

"I will let people delay the announcement of this news for another two days." Li Beijue was determined.

If such a big thing is delayed for two days, the official will have to face two days of public pressure. This is not a small matter, but he has a convincing charm.

Quan Dongting finally showed a look of satisfaction in his eyes and said, "I will also help investigate this matter in the next two days. You must protect Enen's safety."

"I know."

Chi Enen is his woman, even if Quan Dongting doesn't say anything, he will protect her!

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