Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1989 A bucket of ice water was poured down on Duotou

A basin of water poured down from Lin Anxin's head!

The bitingly cold water is not the warm water used during shooting, but real cold water!

In addition to the really cold water, the water also contained other things. The hard ice cubes knocked down, making Lin Anxin unable to open her eyes.

It's autumn now, and autumn mornings are already relatively cold. Suddenly a basin of water with ice cubes poured down on my head. It was so cold that it felt like there was wind in the bones.

She gritted her teeth, stood in the ice water, and persisted until the director called for a stop.

"What are you doing! Why don't you cry when you want to show the lovelorn side of the heroine?" the director roared angrily.

"Stop! One more!"

The icy water in my pocket finally stopped.

Lin Anxin's lips turned purple from the cold. She looked at the director, trembling all over, and said calmly, "How do you know I'm not crying? Can you see it?"

Damn it, with such a big bucket of ice water pouring down on her head, he could actually tell whether she was crying or not in that situation. If she couldn't tell that the director was making trouble, she would What a fool!

"I see that your expression is not sad enough, that means you are not crying seriously enough. Okay, here's another one!" The director had a tough attitude.

Lin Anxin gritted her teeth and was about to get angry.

A charming voice came from behind, "Oh, Director Li, why are you so angry so early in the morning?"

"Today's actors are too unprofessional. I just said a few words to her, but she was still unhappy." The director changed his attitude towards her just now and spoke to the other person in a much warmer tone.

When Lin Anxin saw the person, he felt as sick as if he had eaten a fly.

Why is this woman here?

Lisa caught a glimpse of her embarrassed look and felt extremely happy. She covered her mouth and said with a smile, "What does it matter? It's just a stand-in anyway. An Xin and I are also old friends, so just think of it for my sake." Well, let her pass this."

"What stand-in lens?" Lin Anxin heard their words and asked calmly.

Before the director could speak, the charming woman had already said, "Oh, don't you know? I accepted this commercial. But I don't want to shoot this kind of watering scene on a cold day. I want to find a suitable one." Someone can take the shot for me, and then I can edit it. After much thought, I couldn’t think of a suitable person, so I thought of you. An Xin, you are the most dedicated and strive to be the best in everything you shoot. I want to find you. If you come as my stand-in and help me take this shot, the effect will be great. I told the brand boss, but I didn't expect you to take the job. I was really happy. You won't agree to be my stand-in and help me shoot this scene." She finally got through the relationship and thought she could get the heavyweight Best Actress, but she didn't expect Lin Anxin to come out halfway and steal the Best Actress from her. Not to mention, the press release is full of news that criticizes her for not being professional. Haha, now that Lin Anxin doesn't have the financial backing behind her, she still doesn't believe that she can't deal with this little hooves!

"I took a look just now, and it turned out really well. She was able to keep shooting in such cold ice water. She deserves to be a movie queen."

Damn it!

Lin Anxin almost wanted to pull her over and slap her twice.

She said that when shooting such scenes of rain or water, warm water is usually used. Why was the ice water with ice cubes poured down on her just now? It turns out that this woman designed all this! Just for this moment to humiliate her!

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