"What three million? Aren't you looking for a stand-in? If you stand in for a scene, you need three million as liquidated damages?" Lin Anxin stopped.

"Of course." Lisa folded her arms and said proudly, "Anyway, your agent signed the contract and it was clearly written in black and white. If you don't finish filming this scene, you have to compensate the brand. Millions. You should think about it yourself. Anyway, if I were you, I would just finish filming this movie. You haven't had a job for the past six months, right? Three million is not a small amount. Haha, it doesn't matter if you are a big star, otherwise you can help your agent pay it."

Lin Anxin clenched her fists, wishing she could bury her proud face into the ice bucket just now.

But no!

She knew that if Lisa dared to be so unscrupulous, Shanni must have really signed the contract.

Because of the announcement, her image had been frustrated. Shanni was more anxious than anyone else. She knew that Shanni had been helping her find relationships in various ways during this period.

This time I must have been deceived, so I signed the contract without reading it clearly.

She remembered now that there had been rumors in the circle that the boss of this chocolate brand had an unusual relationship with Lisa and was one of the financial backers behind Lisa.

Now it seems that there is no smoke without fire. I am afraid that the CEO of this chocolate brand really has an unusual relationship with this woman.

If a quarrel really breaks out, the other party might really sue for money just to stand up for this woman.

three million……

The bank cards holding half of her net worth are still with Si Chen. She also gave Chi Baobao five million to help invest, and the rest was only about three million.

If she loses, she will be completely out of cash. She still doesn't know how long this turmoil will last and how long it will take for her to get back to work.

But if she doesn't pay, Shanni will pay.

Shanni has been following her in the past few years and has only made a few million at most. She has just gotten married now and has children to raise at home. If Shanni is really asked to give this money, Shanni will be even more unbearable than she is.

"How about it, have you thought clearly? Should you continue filming or lose money? If you have to pay, will you pay it yourself or let your agent pay it?" Lisa looked at the embarrassed woman in the middle of the field. She was in a particularly good mood, and her mouth was filled with tears. It's almost rising to the sky.

In the past few years, she has been pressured by Lin Anxin to develop.

She obviously paid much more than Lin Anxin, but the best resources were always left by Lin Anxin, and it was her turn to choose.

She had endured it for so long, and finally she had endured it until Lin Anxin's sponsor got tired of playing with her.

Now everyone in the circle knows that Mr. Si has dumped Lin Anxin. If she doesn't find a place at this time, when will she wait?

She has had enough!

"Have you thought about it? Who will pay?" She knew Lin Anxin's situation well and knew that Lin Anxin didn't have much money.

No matter whether Lin Anxin chooses to continue filming or lose money, she has achieved her goal.

Lin Anxin gritted her teeth and looked at her, just about to say that she would give it.

Suddenly, a childish but powerful voice broke in, "I apologize!"

Lisa and everyone on the set looked over and saw an aristocratic young man of eight or nine years old walking over, accompanied by Lin Anxin's agent. He still had a little childishness on his face, but his facial features still had an aura. , we can already see how charming he will be in the future.

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