The director swallowed nervously, regretting that he had listened to Lisa before and followed her in doing things to humiliate Lin Anxin.

When they went out, the man in a neat suit was already sitting in the director's seat, and there were more than a dozen bodyguards standing around him.

The secretary made him a cup of coffee, and he was holding the coffee and drinking it leisurely.

When he saw the two people walking out, he didn't even raise his eyelids.

The director saw that the soldiers' legs were weak, so he moved over and called out, "Mr. Si, why are you here?"

"I suddenly became interested in shooting commercials, and you happened to be filming here, so I came over and gave it a try." Si Chen looked normal, not angry.

The director breathed a sigh of relief and immediately approached him enthusiastically, "Young Master Si, try whatever you want, try whatever you want. What kind of commercial does Master Si want to shoot? I can help you arrange it."

"What kind of ad?"

Si Chen glanced at him inexplicably, and then at Lisa next to him, with a trace of cruelty flashing in his eyes.

Before he finished speaking, Lin Anxin came over. When she saw him, she was extremely surprised, "Why are you here?"

Shouldn't he be lying down in the hospital bed?

Why did you come here?

Lin Anxin walked over quickly and was about to speak.

Si Chen's secretary had cleverly stopped her, muttering something to her and changing the subject.

Si Chen, on the other hand, took advantage of this moment to look at the two panicked people, the director and Lisa, indifferently, and said directly, "I just read your commercial script, and it's well written. I'll shoot this."

Lisa was terrified.

The next second, I heard the man's cold and heartless voice, "I think there is a scene in it that happens to be the scene where the heroine is broken up in love. In order to show that the heroine is broken up in love, there is a scene in the rain. Let the female protagonist in your advertisement Protagonist, get ready and take this shot later.”

He paused and then continued, "It just so happens that there is one less passerby in the scene where the heroine is walking on the street, brokenhearted and soaked in rain. The director doesn't have to arrange other people. It's just right for you to be the passerby."

He spoke quietly, but everyone could hear the unquestionable command in his words.

Everyone on the set was silent.

They are not fools, they have eyes to see.

Mr. Si has now made it clear that he wants to help Miss Lin regain her reputation, and does not really want to shoot any commercials.

It seems that this time, Sister Lisa kicked the iron plate.

Obviously he wanted to humiliate Miss Lin, but this time it seemed that he had no choice but to break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Everyone on the set was gloating.

Although some of them are not familiar with Lin Anxin, they are familiar with Lisa. Lisa takes advantage of her status as a big star and puts on a lot of airs.

Now they are in trouble, and they watch the fun happily.

The entire scene was extremely quiet, and no one stood up to intercede with the director and Lisa.

They all had their eyes open, watching the reactions of the two people with great interest.

The director's face turned completely white.

Lisa's face looked much more exciting. First it turned pale, then red and blue, and finally, her whole face turned purple. He clenched his fists and tried his best to endure it.

"What are you still doing standing here? Props master, go get ready." Si Chen didn't even care about her reaction. He didn't even look at her. He turned his head, glanced at the secretary and said, "You come with me too!"

The secretary immediately said, "Yes, Mr. Si."

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