Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2017 How disappointed do I need to be?

The old man's eyes were red and swollen from crying, and he collapsed on the ground, crying bitterly. Anyone can feel the sadness and despair of the person in the photo. It is obviously just a simple photo, but the deep despair revealed in the photo is extremely depressing.

Li Qiyun stared at the photo, her beautiful and heroic jawline tightened. She wanted to look away and not care.

But it can't be done.

Her eyes seemed to be nailed to it, and no matter what she did, she couldn't move away from that photo.

My chest felt like it was pressed down by a big stone, and it became difficult to breathe...


The phone vibrated.

This time, it wasn't a text message sent, but a call from Li Nantian.

Li Qiyun hesitated for a moment, put the phone to her ear, and lightly opened her red lips, "Hey..."

There was a rustling sound of electricity from the other end of the phone, and each sound hit her heart. She couldn't help but hold the phone tightly, and her heart skipped two beats.

"Hello, dad?" Li Qiyun was so out of breath for the first time that she called out again.

This time, the person on the other end of the phone finally spoke, "Where are you now?"

It's Li Nantian's voice!

Li Qiyun didn't know why he asked this, so she still said, "I'm in Ryukyu."

"When do you plan to come back?"

Li Qiyun frowned strangely and asked him, "What happened, Dad?"

Why did he suddenly care about when she would come back?

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time before he slowly spoke, his voice full of tiredness, "Do you know what happened to Ryan this time?"

What happened to Ryan this time!

Li Qiyun's heart felt like it was hit hard by a big pendulum!

While holding his breath, he pretended not to know and said, "What's wrong with Ryan?"

"you do not know?"

Li Qiyun answered quickly, "I don't know. I'm still on vacation in Ryukyu. Where can I find out about Ryan? Dad, what's wrong with Ryan?"


There was another suffocating silence on the other end.

Every second of silence was a torture to her heart. Finally, when she was about to lose her composure and take the initiative to explain, the person on the other end finally spoke, "Qiyun, how much more do you want to disappoint me?" over?"

How much more do you have to disappoint me?

That simple sentence was like a hard slap on her face.

Li Qiyun gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know what you mean, what did I do?"

"What do you mean, don't you know best what you did? You said you didn't know about Ryan, do you really not know? With your concern for Beijue, if Ryan had such a big accident, what would you do? Don’t know? But what you just said to me, you are on vacation, so you don’t even believe it to a three-year-old child, and you still tell me!”

If she had openly admitted that she knew, he might not be so disappointed.

Li Qiyun subconsciously distanced herself from the relationship, and then admitted that she was involved in this matter.

"I gave you the wedding jewelry that your mother left for you, just to make you sober up and stop being obsessed. As a result, you are still obsessed with it. Even crazier than before. Qiyun, yourself Think about what you did. Did you not think that an accident would happen before you did this? Or did you think that an accident might happen from the beginning, but you didn't care at all that it would make things worse. Bigger?”

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