Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2019 More than one sister likes you

Li Qiyun stopped talking and didn't look at his phone. He pursed his lips and said, "It has nothing to do with you!"

A burst of anger suddenly flashed in Aos's eyes. He clamped her chin with one hand, raised it, looked into her eyes and said, "You are doing things outside that I don't know about in the name of the Aos family, and you are also with I don't care? Are you sure?"

Li Qiyun was shocked and looked at him suddenly. Then he relaxed again, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled, "You already know, why are you asking me?"

Aos's thin lips pursed into a line, his blue eyes reflected her appearance, and he said calmly, "I only found out this morning. I didn't know what you did before. I didn't expect that my dear Aos My wife would be so busy that she wouldn’t even have time for the wedding, and would even cause trouble for Ryan.”

He really didn't expect Li Qiyun to make such a big noise.

It wasn't until Cheng Jie's person was frightened and came to tell him that he knew what Li Qiyun had done behind his back and used his name to instruct Cheng Jie's person from outside.

She actually used the contacts of the Os family to deliberately tamper with the accounts of the company Ryan had been working with, and then asked people to report it anonymously.

After that, the government went to investigate the financial affairs of that company, and the projects under that company had to be suspended.

At this time, she arranged for people from Chengjie Group to contact Ryan's people and won the shopping mall project. He bribed Lane's deputy director of the quality inspection department and deliberately used substandard materials for Lane, and then used the deputy director of the quality inspection department to hide the truth from Lane's people.

Until the mall opened again, an accident occurred.

In this case, as long as a commotion is caused, it will inevitably attract media and public attention. Later, it was discovered that Ryan had used substandard materials, and everything fell into place.

Ryan was completely screwed.

Chi Enen, who is Ryan's representative, will also be stained. No matter what Chi Enen does in the future, someone will mention Ryan's accident.

He didn't think anything of this. He even admired Li Qiyun's methods, which were ruthless and comprehensive. Link after link, neat and tidy, it is not a plan that ordinary women can think of and implement.

However, he did not expect that the 'commotion' that Li Qiyun used to ignite public opinion would actually be a human life.

This was beyond his imagination.

When he learned about this, he even doubted whether the woman he had been paying attention to over the years and thought he knew well was the same person.

He understood Li Qiyun, who was strong enough, aloof enough, and stubborn enough, but not a truly emotionless person.

She has her own bottom line.

She would work hard for days and nights to win a project, and would decisively give up her efforts for a month or even months because of demands made by the other party that exceeded her principles...

Such a person is called Li Qiyun.

Instead of going behind his back, a woman who doesn't even care about human life in order to achieve her own goals.

After he received a call from someone from the Chengjie Group this morning, he violently killed her just to prove that he was not wrong about the person.

He didn't believe that a person could pretend for several years without revealing his true nature without knowing that someone was paying attention.

Ao Si pinched her chin, lifted her chin up, and approached her and said, "I've always wanted to ask you why you care so much about Li Beijue. You care more than a sister should care about. Now, I think I got it."

"you like him."

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