Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2032 The person on the helicopter is Li Beijue

"But gold...it's unlikely, right?"

Who would be rich enough to spill gold?

There was hesitation on his face, but he couldn't resist the fact that the thing in his hand was too much like gold. He suddenly picked up the vivid golden rose petal and put it into his mouth. Then, the man's eyes widened in disbelief, excited. stammered, "Yes, yes, it's gold. OMG! It's really made of gold!"

Such a thin piece, although it doesn’t weigh much, is really gold!

Rose petals made of gold!

Oh My God!

The girl's face flushed with excitement. She snatched the rose petals that the man took a bite of and said, "They were sprinkled! They were sprinkled from the helicopter! There are golden roses in those red roses!"

Chi Enen couldn't tell whether they were real rose petals made of gold, but from the excited expressions of the two people, they were most likely right.

She was also surprised.

It was strange enough that more than a dozen helicopters suddenly appeared to scatter rose petals, but those rose petals actually contained petals made of gold. This simple and crude technique reminded her of someone for some reason.

The man's handsome and arrogant face appeared in Chi Enen's mind. Those dark eagle eyes were bottomless, domineering and noble!

She shook her head, getting the face out of her mind.

It shouldn't be possible, right?

It's impossible for Li Beijue to appear here. Didn't he take Nuonuo and Chi Baobao to see Mr. Huo?

But why, she just felt like her heartbeat was accelerating...

Chi Enen reached out and pressed his heart, trying to calm himself down.

It probably wasn't Li Beijue, she was overthinking it.


This act of calling in a dozen helicopters to drop roses from the sky really seemed like something that man could do. Especially the red roses with rose petals made of gold sandwiched between them. This kind of behavior... I don't know whether to describe it as rich and willful or domineering and romantic. It really looks like Li Beijue's style of doing things!

The rain of roses in the sky is still falling down one after another, and many people have discovered the 'secret' in the rose petals. They all stopped, raised their heads, and reached out to catch the falling roses in surprise.

It felt like time had stood still.

The whole city was shrouded in a sea of ​​roses, as romantic as the beautiful confession scene in a girl's comic——

Just at this time.

The dreamlike beauty was suddenly broken by a domineering voice.


One of the helicopters overhead suddenly heard the rustling sound of a loudspeaker.

Immediately afterwards, the man's deep voice spread from the loudspeaker to every corner of the city center, "Chi Enen."

"I know you're here!"

Chi Enen, I know you are here!

This opening scene is domineering and focused!

Even in her dream, she could tell who this voice belonged to—Li Beijue!

It’s really Li Beijue’s voice!

That is to say...

Chi Enen suddenly raised her head and looked up. The helicopter hovering above flew lower. She could see the arrogant and dazzling man standing by the open door of the cabin!

The wind blew up his clothes and hair. Even under such circumstances, this man was still as handsome as Apollo, the sun god. He dazzlingly attracted all the attention as soon as he appeared——

It's Li Beijue!

Even though he was standing so high, Chi Enen could still recognize him at a glance. That person was Li Beijue!

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