Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2037 Let’s get straight to the point when they come.

Jin Zhixuan said regretfully, "That girl is very artistic and looks different from others. I have always wanted to find her as my model. But before I even told the girl, she was chased away. After that, she She has become the exclusive model for that boy in our class. It’s such a thief.”

Her regret is really regretful. It can be seen that there is no trace of her acting in it.

It is purely a regret from the heart.

It’s a pity that she can’t let anyone else be her model.

Lin Anxin finally couldn't help it anymore and asked her, "Then when you look at other people, do you first look at their artistry?"

If someone looks artistic to her, does that mean he is ugly and distinctive?

"No, for example, when I look at you, I just look at your bones. Your bones are very good, and you have that kind of high-end face that doesn't age easily."

She glanced to the side and saw Si Chen. She couldn't help but frown and mumbled, "I don't like boys to have dimples. Shouldn't dimples, such gentle and sweet things, belong to girls?" On the face? There are dimples on a boy’s face, as if there is red wine in a white wine bottle, it’s incongruous.”

What Si Chen is most proud of is his dimples.

He always thought that his amiability came from his dimples.

As a result, he was so embarrassed by the words of the two women that he couldn't stand it anymore. He looked at his good friend to ask for help, which meant that he should take good care of his woman. However, just when he looked over, before he even hinted, he saw his friend turned away very calmly, saying that the matter had nothing to do with him, just hanging up!

He finally calmed down a little, but his blood almost surged again.

I go!

What about the agreement that brothers are like brothers and sisters and women are like clothes?

At the critical moment, when his hands and feet were pressed to the ground by his clothes, he didn't react at all and even pretended not to see you!

Si Chen's chest suddenly hurt again, almost like the feeling he had when he was hit in a car accident.

But that one was really painful, and this time it was so depressed that my chest ached!

Seeing that he was looking at Huo Tingting, Jin Zhixuan also turned her head, glanced at the man beside her, and let out a common sigh, "Hey..."

Her dream boyfriend, apart from the one she had a crush on a long time ago, is an artistic boy.

However, in the end, I found a man who was completely unartistic and good-looking.

Someone who can't appreciate art, cultivate sentiments, and travel with her, and whose aesthetics are completely out of sync with hers.

She suddenly became melancholy.

I always feel like my dreams are shattered too quickly, like a tornado.

Huo Tingting was so used to her sighing that he didn't even move his eyebrows. He picked up the coffee cup and said, "Bei Jue and the others are almost here. What program do you have coming up later?"

The topic was suddenly changed by him.

Si Chen was also saved from being DISS.

He said without thinking, "Originally, what I thought was that everyone would get together and congratulate Enen with ribbons and balloons when they came over. Unexpectedly, Beijue didn't follow the proposal words I designed for him. , everything that needs to be said has been said, and the ring has been given. When they come over, let’s get straight to the point.”

It's all very well planned today.

It was Si Chen and Lin Anxin who planned the romantic proposal behind the scenes, including the subsequent phone call that Lin Anxin made, which was also discussed early in the morning.

Who knows, they thought about the beginning, but they didn't expect that the development would not follow the plan they set.

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