Also, I have met a good neighbor in my life abroad. The neighbors are all warm-hearted old couples. The old couple are warm-hearted and gentle and have given them a lot of help.

However, the neighbors Jin Zhixuan met were real neighbors, and Chi Enen was the landlord.

But I feel like she and Kim Ji-xuan really have a lot of similarities.

An Xin also seems to like Jin Zhixuan. Although An Xin is an acquaintance, she seems to know everyone very well, but Chi Enen can tell who she is sincere to and who she is just going through the motions with.

She couldn't hide her smile when chatting with Jin Zhixuan. It was obvious that An Xin really liked Jin Zhixuan.

Chi Enen slowly let go of her embarrassment.

The three of them became more harmonious as they chatted, and Chi Enen felt like he had a new friend.

"So how did you and Mr. Huo get together? I always feel that Mr. Huo is very serious, and he should be the kind of meticulous person in life, right?" Lin Anxin is a gossip, especially when we get together in private, he is even more gossipy. .

Jin Zhixuan was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Meticulous? You mean him? No. I think he is more like a two-faced, insidious and cunning person."

"Ahem..." Chi Enen had a mouthful of fruit wine stuck in his throat.

"Duplicitous, cunning... so ruthless, you can't tell what he did." Lin Anxin didn't expect to hear such comments from her mouth, and the flames of gossip were about to burn from her body.

Jin Zhixuan supported her chin with one hand and said calmly, "He bought my favorite master's collection and refused to sell it to me after telling me about it. Then he asked me to go to his place to see it every time, but every time He only showed it to me for five minutes. After he finished it, he put it away and asked me to drink tea with him, read a book, etc. Then he threatened me and told me that if I didn’t date him, he would take away my favorite part. The painting was burned..."

"Then what?" Lin Anxin listened with interest.

Chi Enen almost wanted to cover her mouth.

"Then I thought about it and agreed."

"Damn it, you agreed just like that?"


"For a painting, you sold yourself to save art. Awesome, this is the most awesome love story I have ever heard, even more awesome than my family's Enen. My family's Enen is all for Chi Baobao, you This is explosive.”

"..." In fact, it was not only because I was afraid that the painting would be gone, but also because I felt more comfortable getting along with him.

Anyway, at that time, her family was also helping her find a suitable blind date.

Since she was very comfortable with Huo Tingting, she didn't bother to change people. She is just a very lazy person, too lazy to adapt or change.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have been secretly in love with someone for so long.

She's mainly too lazy to find someone else to like.

"So in your aesthetic sense, what does Mr. Huo look like?" Jin Zhixuan's theory about artistic looks had impressed her before, so she was curious about what type of appearance Huo Tingting belonged to in Jin Zhixuan's eyes.

"It's just ordinary."


"Ordinary appearance, ordinary good-looking. Anyway, I just know that the face is his face, and there is nothing special about it. Although it is not the one I particularly want, nor is it the one I think is particularly ugly, it's just His looks.”

After hearing this, Lin Anxin couldn't help but say, "I think I should give Mr. Huo a silent light."

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