Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2058 In fact, he already recognized her

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If he doesn't help, who will?

Are you still counting on that little fool?

Mr. Li glanced at him and saw through his little thoughts, and still gave his approval, "Well, it's not bad."

None of the chefs in the family can make it taste good.

Mr. Li didn't feel at all that the reason why none of the chefs in Li's mansion could make it taste like Chi Enen's was because Chi Enen made the simplest version.

Usually star chefs, even if they are making a simple tomato egg noodles, will put their minds into studying advanced ways to eat it.

How can I really just add some salt to taste?

Mr. Li won't think so much. Li Beijue's character is largely inherited from him. He just wants to be good. As for why others are not good enough, he has no interest in understanding!

He has indeed lost his appetite recently as the old butler said. He finally ate something hot today, his stomach felt comfortable, and he felt much more relaxed. Leaning on the sofa, he said with a relaxed expression, "You have a wedding in a week. What are your plans?"

Is he asking for his opinion?

Chi Enen pursed her lips, thought for a moment and said, "I want one of my friends to be my bridesmaid. For the rest, I don't have any arrangements. I just listen to grandpa."

Mr. Li had already carefully checked the interpersonal relationships around her, and knew that most of the friends she mentioned were the female celebrities she mentioned.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Anxin's status would definitely not be qualified to be the bridesmaid for Young Madam Li. However, he just rolled his eyes and agreed easily, "Well, I will arrange a flight to pick her up. "


"Yes, Sir."

"Bring the stuff over here."


The old housekeeper quickly went upstairs, and after a while, he came down holding a box.

He walked up to Chi Enen and opened the box respectfully.

The dazzling sapphires inside almost dazzled the eyes.

Any gemstone in this set of jewelry is priceless! Not to mention a whole set!

The old housekeeper smiled and handed the box to Chi Enen and said, "Miss Chi, this is the gift prepared by the old master for your wedding. Please accept it."

Chi Enen was a little stunned.

Is this all for her?

She raised her head and looked at the person opposite.

Mr. Li was very calm, as if he was just giving an ordinary gift, and said, "This set of jewelry was designed by Louis XIII for his favorite woman, and the name is Ocean Star. I won't use it, so I put it away." It takes up space there, so take it."

He bought this set of jewelry when he was in his twenties and wanted to give it to a woman.

Unfortunately, when he finally understood his heart and wanted to give it away, that person was no longer there.

He has been collecting this set of jewelry as if he were collecting that person's smile.

Now, he suddenly wanted to give this set of jewelry away.


If he could be like Bei Jue, then this set of jewelry would also appear in a grand wedding, right?

But there are no ifs in life.

If you miss it, you miss it.

Mr. Li's eyes softened a little, he looked at Chi Enen and said softly, "It's suitable for a wedding dress."

When Louis XIII designed this set of jewelry, it was originally intended to match a wedding dress. Unfortunately, Louis XIII was never able to give a wedding to his beloved woman in his life.

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