Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2082 I don’t want to ruin this friendship

Chi Enen also saw that the other party looked down on Ryan, so he nodded without saying anything, "Okay."

Just at this time, Qin Nan came out.

Qin Nan's mother-in-law quickly let go of Chi Enen's hand and said, "Miss Chi, please go and do your work first. I won't disturb you anymore."

"See you."

Chi Enen raised his head, waved to Qin Nan who was not far away, and then led the driver and hotel manager into the elevator.

Wait for the elevator door to close.

Qin Nan frowned and walked towards her mother-in-law, looked at her strangely and asked, "Mom, what did you say to Enen just now?"

Qin Nan's mother-in-law was very dissatisfied with Chi Enen's behavior of mentioning Ryan but not the Li family. She did not dare to express it in front of Chi Enen, but she did dare to express it to Qin Nan. She said with natural dissatisfaction in her tone, "I didn't say anything. I just asked her if she could help Haoer find a better job."

When Qin Nan heard this, his brows immediately raised, "Mom! Why did you run to tell Enen this?"

"I'm not here for you! Look at how hard you have just bought a house every month just to pay the mortgage. If Hao'er had a good job and made more money, wouldn't you be a lot easier? It would be easy for you. Only when I am an old man can I feel relaxed. Seeing how uncomfortable you are is not uncomfortable for me."

"Then you shouldn't go and tell Enen this!" Qin Nan insisted.

Qin Nan's mother-in-law was even more dissatisfied, "Do you think I can show such shame? If it weren't for you, I would be so old, how could I show such shame and say this?"

"It's not like they just offered you a job, so you have to reject them."

"I'm doing very well now!" Qin Nan said every word, "I'm very happy in my position now, and I get along well with my colleagues around me. I'm still young, and now I'm slowly accumulating experience. I will naturally get promoted in the future. If I rely on my friends to get promoted, I am not qualified enough and my abilities are not enough. Can the people below convince me? If I get promoted based on my friendship, I will do the same. Not long!”

"The same goes for him. He is doing very well in his company now. He doesn't make much now because he is still young. In the future, he will definitely make more and more. We live a down-to-earth life, what is the point of down-to-earth work? Not good? Why do you have to embarrass your friends?"

She knew that Enen was now recognized by the Habsden family and turned into the eldest lady of the Habsden family.

There are so many companies in the Habsden family. As long as she asks, Enen will definitely help.

What's more, Enen is now going to marry Young Master Li. From now on, she will not only be the eldest daughter of the Habsden family, but also the legitimate Mrs. Li.

Many things that are difficult for her may be just one sentence to Enen.

But she was unwilling to let Enen say this, because if she did, the friendship between them would also deteriorate.

Another point is, as she said, she is still young and her qualifications and abilities are not up to par. Even if Enen helped her and moved her to a higher place, she would not be able to do it.

Rather than end up embarrassing everyone in the end, it's better not to be greedy for things that don't belong to you from the beginning.

Besides, the reason she became friends with Enen was not because of Enen's family background.

When she met Chi Enen, Chi Enen had nothing. They became friends because their personalities matched each other. She liked Chi Enen's gentleness and understanding.

She feels that it is not easy to have a friend who will always treat you the same no matter how much your identity changes, and she doesn’t want to ruin this friendship!

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