The corners of Chi Enen's mouth raised uncontrollably.

She knew that her Chi Baobao was only in a temporary mood, and it would be fine when the mood passed.

"Okay, Nono, I'll leave it to you." She smiled.

Chi Baobei stared at her again, seeming to like the way she smiled and not so uncomfortable anymore. However, because of his own face, he just raised his hand towards Chi Enen coolly, so he knew it. After raising his hand, he turned around and walked towards his bedroom without looking back...


After the Li Chaebol announced that Li Beijue would be getting married in half a month, the entire social media was in a state of frenzy.

Because when Mr. Li held a press conference, he did not clearly explain who the bride was.

This also led to many people speculating about the marriage partner of the Li family.

Although most people were smart enough to guess the bride after seeing the news that Li Beijue was protected by Chi Enen and was hit by an egg when Ryan had an accident. However, there is a small group of people who, in order to gain attention, deliberately stand on the opposite side, dig out old news, and write news in a new way to gain attention.

Anyone who had scandals with Li Beijue was pulled out by them and slipped away.

The most far-fetched guess is that the person was at Kim Ji-won's birthday party. He pounced on Li Beijue, the 18th-tier female model who was pushed away without mercy.

The key is that with such a wild guess, they can still write that it has a nose and eyes, as if it is true. It attracted a group of people to like it below to express their belief.

It was not until three days before the wedding that the public relations department of the Habsden family held a press conference, stating that the eldest daughter of the Habsden family and the heir of the Habsden family, Chi Enen, would marry Mr. Li, the Li family chaebol. !

Most people had already guessed the signs of this marriage of the century before, but the official announcement was another matter.

With two major families joining forces to make it public.

News of the marriage of the century immediately swept the world.

Major news and social networks have continued to discuss this upcoming wedding. At the same time, various speculations about the wedding also began to emerge.

The most eye-catching thing is the bride’s wedding dress.

Many first-tier brands have published public relations documents stating that their homes have been included in the consideration list.

As for the news headlines, each one is more sensational than the last——

What about "Cinderella becomes a princess, and the love of Roman Holiday becomes a realistic fairy tale!" 》……

What is "The Marriage of the Richest Houses of the Century, the top socialites and the top five diamond kings join forces, the world's most valuable couple is newly released!" 》……

What "Inventory!" A lucky girl flies up the branch to the path of glory! 》……

What is "Unmarried girls all over the world are collectively broken in love, and the number one diamond king and Lao Wu ranking is about to get married!" 》……

Basically, the news is a review of what happened to them in the past. Some media also deeply analyzed how Chi Enen captured Li Beijue and how she transformed from Cinderella to a rich and famous lady. Is there anything in between? Dramatic inside story. Some media even made ridiculous speculations that Chi Enen was not from the Habsden family. The reason why she had the status of the Habsden daughter was because Mr. Li, in order to make the future identity of Mrs. Li look better, teamed up with Habsden. Mrs. Stern told a lie. In fact, Chi Enen has nothing to do with the Habsden family...

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