Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2106 Getting really nervous

Getting married soon.

Are you ready?

Chi Enen suddenly heard the sound of his heartbeat quickening, a thumping sound, as if he was about to fly out.

When she woke up in the morning, An Xin was beside her, making her happy in a smooth tone, so she didn't feel nervous yet.

Now her uncle suddenly asked her seriously if she was ready, and she felt like she was getting into the mood.

She is getting married!

He, Li Beijue, is getting married!

Chi Enen's heartbeat was pounding, and she could even feel the tips of her fingers trembling slightly. She took a deep breath, and as the air poured into her chest, her wildly beating heart seemed to calm down a lot. Then she raised the corners of her mouth, showed a bright smile, and said to Quan Dongting, "Ready."

She is ready.

I have been preparing for this day for a long time.

She believed that she made the right choice. Trust that man!

Quan Dongting seemed to be infected by her smile, and his originally complicated mood became much more relaxed. He also raised the corners of his mouth and raised his charming eyes into a charming smile. He walked back to Chi Enen, stretched out his left arm, and said, "Let's go then!"

Originally, the bride should be delivered to the groom by her father, but Chi Enen could not let Chi Jianguo do it.

Therefore, this job fell on Quan Dongting.

He was also very happy, and even gave up work two days in advance, prepared a dress, and found a special teacher to tell him what he needed to pay attention to at the wedding.

The wedding of the only daughter of the Habsden family must be perfect and grand. On this point, he and Li Beijue had the same idea!

He will never allow anyone to ruin this wedding!

Chi Enen was ready to get in the car. The entire beach was booked at the wedding site.

The scene turned into a sea of ​​flowers.

In addition to roses that can be seen everywhere, the most common ones are gypsophila.

Stars and gypsophila have become the main elements of the wedding. There are even various golden star-shaped decorations scattered on the lawn, as if the stars from the sky have fallen and landed all over the ground.

Every guest who had the opportunity to come to the scene felt like they had walked into Alice's Wonderland.

Except for many carefully prepared small details, the wedding scene was basically prepared according to normal wedding preparations in other major aspects.

In the process of preparing for the wedding, Li Beijue didn't think of some tricks.

For example, weddings in the sky, weddings at sea level, dolphin weddings... He has thought about many, many, and even had people use computers to simulate wedding scenes.

But in the end, he still chose the most normal lawn wedding, which many people thought he would not choose.

He will have a lot of time to surprise her in the future, but for the wedding, he wants to swear an oath to her on the most solemn occasion!

Therefore, lawn wedding is the best.

Although he didn't make anything different in the format of the wedding, Li Beijue was absolutely not lenient at all when it came to pomp and money.

All the guests stayed in seven-star hotel suites, including round-trip air tickets and souvenirs for the wedding, all of which were so generous that it was jaw-dropping.

And, in addition to these, this wedding has become a grand event where celebrities from all over the world gather!

The number of invitations personally sent by Mr. Li and Mrs. Habsden was not particularly large, but each one was substantial.

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