Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2114 The princess was carried across the red carpet

"Wow -" there was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, who were all confused by his actions.

Chi Enen was also startled, and subconsciously put her arms around his neck to prevent herself from falling. He reminded him in an anxious voice, "Li Beijue, what are you doing? Put me down quickly."

He is fine, why is he convulsing?

Today is not the time for convulsions!

He must not have convulsions today!

Chi Enen was afraid that he would go crazy. After all, with this man's character, he would go crazy if he wanted to, and it was not like he had never been willful.

"Shut up!" Li Beijue still remembered her wedding dress, so he hugged her with one hand and pulled her chest with the other.

Chi Enen was confused by him!

What is he...doing!

Li Beijue didn't care what others thought of him. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at the collar of the wedding dress that he had pulled up, blocking at least part of the leaked spring sunshine.

Although he was dissatisfied that Chi Enen's collarbone and neck still exposed a large area of ​​snow-white skin, he also knew that the current occasion was not suitable to take this woman back to change clothes directly!

If you take her back to change clothes now, it will be too late.

But when he thought that there were so many people at the scene, many of them men, who had seen her seductive side, Li Beijue thought that his heart was blocked by something, and something was stirring inside, as if cutting off his breathing. Feeling inexplicably irritable.

"Okay, that's it. I'm going to change my clothes later!" He resisted not to take the person in his arms back. He stepped on the red carpet with his long legs that were comparable to those of a male model and hugged him. Chi Enen walked step by step towards the priest in the center.

For the wedding of the dignified heir of the Li family chaebol, it was impossible for the pastor to just find anyone to perform the wedding. Mr. Li invited the Pope of Country X. Chi Enen had even met the Pope once.

The Pope had never seen a groom grab the bride's father directly and carry her across the red carpet. Even though he was well-informed, he was stunned for a moment.

Chi Enen is no longer stunned now, but wants to find a crack in the ground to bury herself.

She could feel the eyes looking at her from all directions. Other brides were walking past her. She felt as if she had been robbed by a pirate leader.

However, she only struggled for a moment at first, but there was no struggle at all later.

Because she could hear the thumping heartbeat of this man's chest, each sound was calmer than the last, giving her an absolute sense of security in a calm and domineering manner.

This person is none other than Li Beijue...

He said to her, ‘Even if the whole world doesn’t want you, I want you! ’ man.

He was the man who took her to the top of the mountain to look at the stars and actually gave her a meteorite necklace. He was also the man who showed his love by dragging her to the cemetery and telling her that he had bought a mountain and would bury her with him in the future... …

Chi Enen took a deep breath and looked at the man's firm jaw as if there were stars in his eyes.

Finally, Li Beijue carried her to the Pope who was the priest, bent down and put her down, frowning. Without even looking at the pastor, he took off his coat handsomely and domineeringly, put it directly on Chi Enen, then pulled the clothes on Chi Enen's chest, and then loosened his tight lips and spoke in a low voice. Said, "Okay, let's get started."

Okay, let's get started.

Chi Enen was tormented by him being like a doll, and when she heard him say that again, she actually felt like laughing. But she held it back, and she admired herself for being able to guess what he was thinking despite his seemingly nonsensical behavior.

He must be unhappy with the style of the wedding dress she wore!

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