"……I am not angry."

No matter how you look at it, he seems to be angry.

Li Beijue frowned, glared at her, and said viciously, "Are you going to change? If not, just keep wearing it!" Anyway, he hadn't seen enough of her in the wedding dress.

If there weren't other men on the plane, he wouldn't mind her continuing to wear her wedding dress.

Chi Enen really didn't want to wear a wedding dress all the time. She wasn't at the wedding scene anymore. It was too weird to still be wearing a wedding dress.

She pursed her lips and said, "I want to change."

"But I..." She wasn't angry.

"Then change quickly!"

Before she could finish speaking, the man had already pushed in.

The door to the lounge on the plane suddenly closed.

Chi Enen only heard a bang, and there was only a wall in front of her.

She reluctantly picked up her clothes and walked inside to change.

She instantly felt much more relaxed after taking off her wedding dress and putting on ordinary clothes. As soon as his body relaxed, the heavy makeup on his face became uncomfortable.

It's not that the foundation the makeup artist used for her was too bad, it's mainly because Chi Enen rarely wears makeup. At first glance, my skin was a little uncomfortable with the heavy bridal makeup.

Anyway, the airplane lounge is very luxurious. In addition to beds, bathrooms and washbasins are all available. She simply washed her face inside, took off her hair, tied her slightly curly hair into a bun, and then opened the door and went out.

Outside the door, Li Beijue had been waiting for her for a long time.

Not only did she change her clothes, she also took off her makeup and returned to her usual appearance. Although Chi Enen like this is not as stunning as when she has exquisite makeup, she looks more comfortable.

He frowned, then relaxed. Before Chi Enen could react, he suddenly pressed forward and pushed Chi Enen against the wall.

His hot breath hit his face. Chi Enen's neck was tickled by the breath. He subconsciously turned his head away and dodged, "Li..."

Li Beijue's eyes were firmly locked on her, his dark eyes turned from light to dark, his big hands clasped Chi Enen's waist, lowered his head, and pressed his soft thin lips, blocking the rest of Chi Enen's words.

"Hmm." Her lips and teeth were pried open in an instant, and the air in her lungs was ruthlessly squeezed. The man grabbed the corner of her mouth and bit her punishingly. She couldn't help but groan in pain.

It was precisely because she groaned that the lion-like man caught the moment she opened her mouth and immediately attacked the city! Leave no room for her to dodge.

Chi Enen was caught red-handed and had to immerse himself in his guidance.

A sweet passionate kiss.

They kissed until Chi Enen's breathing became rapid, and then the man holding her waist let go. His face, which had been gloomy all the way, suddenly became clearer, and his face looked much better. He just let go of his hand, his thin lips recollected the kiss just now, and he said in a good mood, "Forget what happened just now, don't talk in the future! When you are angry, you are angry, no cold war!" He doesn't like the cold war, I don’t even like Chi Enen’s cold war with him!

If Chi Enen has a cold war with him, his mood will become irritable!

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a clear cough from behind him.

Chi Enen was startled and looked over immediately.

I saw three pairs of eyes looking at them.

One is Lin Anxin, one is Nuonuo, and the other is Chi Baobao.

The cough just now was made by Chi Baobao.

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