Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2135 No way, Mr. Li only had half an hour?

Biquge www.xbiquge.bz, the fastest update of love marriage: big CEO, little sweetheart!

It was already an hour later when she finished taking a shower and changed into summer clothes and went out.

Lin Anxin almost blew up her cell phone.

As soon as Chi Enen arrived downstairs, he was immediately pulled by Lin Anxin, and he roared angrily, almost exploding Chi Enen's left ear.

"Damn it, we've been waiting for you downstairs for half an hour. What are you doing up there! Didn't we agree to get together when we get to the hotel and put down our luggage? You're so stupid! Emma, ​​you're just waiting for me like this In the war years, you are definitely the kind of person who loses control at critical moments. The enemy is about to blow up the bunker, but you haven't sent the bullets for a long time! "

"What are you doing up there? You're not taking the time to have sex with Mr. Li, are you?"

If Mr. Li had finished it in half an hour.

This half hour also includes the prelude, after which Enen takes a shower and changes clothes, which is too... too difficult to describe...

From the look of Young Master Li, it doesn't look like it will be over in half an hour.

But it’s hard to say for men. Aren’t there studies that show that the more interested men are in fitness and the more fit they look, the easier it will be for them?

Mr. Li seems to like sports quite a lot.

Lin Anxin accidentally thought wrongly, "You can't really have sex, can you? No way, Young Master Li has only been there for half an hour?"

Seeing her unabashed vulgarity, Chi Enen's mouth suddenly twitched. He reached out and pushed her face aside, and said angrily, "What are you thinking about?"

"I just went to take a shower. I was thinking that you still need to clean up. I went down so quickly and you didn't finish it. So I took a shower first. When I received your call, I had just finished. . If I had known you would finish it so quickly, I wouldn’t have gone to take a shower until I came back.”

Regarding her explanation, Lin Anxin couldn't hide the disappointment on her face, "Oh... I thought..."

Chi Enen did not forget that Chi Baobao and Nuonuo were still here. He coughed quickly and reminded her that they were in public now and should be careful about the impact of their words.

"Well, what are you coughing for? Don't tell me that you caught a cold after taking a bath. This is the tropics..." Lin Anxin still didn't react.

Chi Enen held his forehead and winked at her. He motioned her to look at Chi Baobei, who raised his ears and pretended not to care, but actually listened very seriously.

"What are you doing? What's wrong with your eyes..."

Jin Zhixuan couldn't stand it any longer, so she simply pulled Lin Anxin, who had not yet reacted, and pointed at Chi Baobao, "This."

"Ah..." Lin Anxin suddenly understood and closed his mouth.

On the other hand, he gave Chi Enen a sorry look, saying that he was too high just now and forgot that Chi Baobao and the others were still there.

Jin Zhixuan's little moves were not subtle at all, and Chi Baobao was not blind, so of course he saw the three women playing riddles together.

In his heart, he despised the three people for not understanding each other so obviously. But the pretty little face didn't waver at all. He held the little girl who didn't understand anything, put one hand in his pocket, and interrupted them coolly, "When are we going to eat? I'm already hungry. "

"Brother Guo... I'm hungry..." Nono is a foodie. When he hears eating, he puts his fingers in his mouth.

Before she put it in, Chi Baobao noticed it. He glanced over with a sharp look and reminded her, "You are not allowed to put your fingers in your mouth. If you put your fingers in your mouth once, you will be deducted a day's worth of snacks! Just let it go!"

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