Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2139: The Devil is One Foot High, the Tao is Ten Foot High

Jin Zhixuan is a good guide.

When people who don't know her see her at first glance, they might think that she has a more arrogant personality, but when they get to know her, they realize that she is completely opposite to what she seems on the surface!

Not only does he not put on airs, he is very easy to get along with and also very humorous.

With her leadership, Chi Enen and the others had a great time. Even Chi Baobao, who was stinky at first, let go and ran to learn how to make coconut milk from the locals.

Nuonuo couldn't even walk when she saw the food. She called her aunt, sister, and brother in various cowardly ways. Her sweet little mouth made the local people give her candies for free. .

Unfortunately, as soon as she took it and hid it in her pocket, Chi Baobao found it and ruthlessly confiscated it.

Like a mascot, all the candies he begged for were all snatched away by his brother. Nono didn't cry, he just kept asking for candies again. Once he got the candies, he immediately rolled his big eyes and secretly changed places to hide the candies.

After being searched by her brother several times in a row and all the sweets hidden in her were taken away, Nono finally learned to be smart. Know the hiding place.

Pulling Chi Enen aside, she secretly handed over the small candy in her hand, "Cat, Tangtang, don't give me the pot..."

Chi Enen saw that the coconut candy was almost deformed from being squeezed in her hands. He couldn't laugh or cry. He bent down to help her put it away, touched her head and said, "I don't have to give it to your brother, but Nuonuo has to be good. Eat this one, okay?”

After Nuonuo's suicide attempt, her brother had deprived her of snacks for two weeks. When she heard Chi Enen's words, she immediately raised her chubby little fingers to benefit herself, "Cat, one piece a day. Okay." "

"Phew." Chi Enen looked at her obedient look and pinched her fat fingers back helplessly, "Not one pill a day, one pill per day."

"Otherwise your brother will be angry if he finds out."

Nuonuo looked pitiful and haha, her head drooped, she pouted her mouth, thought for a while, and bargained in a sweet voice, "One pill every two days, brother... don't tell him."


"Brother's pot is bad, brother's pot is stinky. Nono's 'puff' is fragrant. Eat Tangtang, and 'puff' is fragrant. Nono should not be as stinky as Ge's pot." Without Chi Baobao by her side, she was black He was so merciless when talking about his brother.

Usually when Chi Baobao is around, she is as good as a little quail.

Therefore, Nono is actually the type who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger.

Chi Enen was defeated by the starry light emitted from her watery, pleading eyes, and said, "Three days, one pill every three days."

"Take one pill every three days at most. The sugar content of this kind of candy is too high. If you eat too much, your stomach will feel uncomfortable. Nono doesn't want to feel stomachache, right? If you feel stomachache, go to the hospital. Those uncles and aunts in white coats I’m going to give you an injection. Do you want an injection?”


The little girl who originally wanted to fight for it again thought of an injection, and immediately shook her head like a rattle, "No, Nono doesn't want to."

"Then just one pill every three days, okay?"

Nuonuo thought for a moment and nodded reluctantly. After nodding, she did not forget to remind Chi Enen, "Brother's pot is broken. Cat, don't tell Brother's pot."


She looked even more stingy and nervous than Chi Baobao when she was stingy. One hand was patting the place where Chi Enen had just put the candy.

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