Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2141 She said she likes Miss Chi

The heroic beauty holding Chi Enen's other hand took off the wreath from her neck, put it on Chi Enen's neck, and danced and talked to her excitedly.

Chi Enen didn't understand what she was saying and looked at her blankly.

Lin Anxin didn't understand either, so she asked Jin Zhixuan, "What is she talking about to Enen?"

Jin Zhixuan's expression was a little strange. After a while, she lowered her voice and said, "Well...she is proposing."

"What?!" Lin Anxin's voice was so loud that she almost jumped up, "What, please, propose? Are you kidding me?"

She looked at the tall beauty in shock. The beauty's skin was tanned, but in terms of figure and appearance, she was a woman.

She pointed at the tall beauty and stammered, "Is that a woman?"

"Yes. Same-sex marriages are allowed in Mauritius, and the number of local women is three times that of men, so it is very popular for girls to form families with girls. This girl probably likes Miss Chi, so I asked Miss Chi if she has any If you don’t have a boyfriend, why don’t you stay with her?”

Lin Anxin's mouth opened wide in shock, and it took him a while to squeeze out a sentence, "That's awesome."

By the way, even if you want to get married, shouldn't you fall in love with her first?

No matter how you look at it, she is more feminine than Enen.

Emma, ​​why does she feel like she is a female star for nothing?

This charm value is too low.

"I'll tell her." After Jin Zhixuan explained the local customs to her, she made a conscientious decision to rescue Chi Enen first.

She walked towards Chi Enen and said something to him fluently in the local dialect.

The other party seemed to have a disappointed look on his face, and then glanced at Chi Enen who was standing aside, and chatted a lot with Jin Zhixuan without giving up.

Jin Zhixuan shook her head with a smile and suddenly pointed at Chi Baobao and Nuonuo who were playing not far away.

The beautiful woman looked back at the two children, her eyes widened, and she looked at Chi Enen in surprise, then lowered her head in defeat, mumbled something, and walked away.

Lin Anxin stayed by her side. After she left, he immediately asked her, "What did she say just now?"

"Let's go have some cold drinks first, it's so hot." Jin Zhixuan led them to a nearby beverage shop while explaining the conversation just now, "She said she liked Miss Chi very much and asked me to translate for her to Enen. I I told her that Miss Chi had a husband. She said she didn't mind and could fight for Miss Chi's heart. I told her that Miss Chi had two children and she wouldn't be with her. Chen and Nuonuo found it very strange. She thought that Miss Chi was a college student who came here to travel. After confirming that the two children were Miss Chi's children, she praised Miss Chi for looking very young and could not tell at all. A mother of two children. She said she was very sorry, but her moral values ​​did not allow her to get involved in a family with children, so she gave up the duel with Miss Chi's husband."

Lin Anxin ordered three cups of coconut milk ice and smiled, "Isn't Enen's husband Mr. Li? Fortunately she gave up, otherwise she would have been pressed to the ground and rubbed by Mr. Li."

Stop joking, are you trying to steal someone from Mr. Li?

As long as it involves grudges, Mr. Li will not care whether the other person is a boy or a girl, he will directly press him on the ground and 'rubb' him!

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