Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2143 Maybe I really think too much

Lin Anxin had been talking to Jin Zhixuan for a long time, and found that Chi Enen was still staring in the direction the car was driving away. He couldn't help but patted her, "Enen, what are you looking at?"

Chi Enen withdrew his gaze and said, "...No."

Lin Anxin looked her over and asked, "Are you still thinking about what happened just now?"

Chi Enen remained silent, "..."

"You are really thinking about it." Lin Anxin saw that she was really still thinking about what happened just now. He pressed her arm to comfort her and said, "Stop thinking about it. I must be overthinking it. Maybe she just came to pick up my friend. , happened to meet us. Otherwise, I saw it wrong before, and the two cars were not the same. "

She had doubted at first whether someone was following them, but the foreign couple walking towards the car just now looked quite natural, as if the man was parked on the roadside waiting for the woman to buy water.

She naturally gave up her doubts.

After all, there is so much following. She may be out of professional sensitivity. She is followed a lot by paparazzi, making her suspicious of everything she looks at.

"An', didn't the car drive away? Don't think so much, just pretend I didn't say anything just now. If I had known you would care, I wouldn't have said anything just now."

It was a misunderstanding in the first place, and Enen was still worried about her.

Lin Anxin secretly made up her mind not to be so surprised next time.

Chi Enen slowly relaxed under her persuasion, "Yes, I understand. I just have a strange feeling."

"What does it feel like?"

"Just when you were talking about that car, my heart skipped a beat. Even though the car had already driven away, I still felt weird. I couldn't explain why."

When Lin Anxin saw that she hadn't let go of the matter, he patted her arm and said with a smile, "It's nothing strange. It's probably just that we happened to meet a foreign couple. This is normal. The man drove to pick up the woman. Yes. Even if the two cars are the same car, the explanation is clear. The first time we met this car in the city center, the other person probably went to buy a gift for his girlfriend. He had finished the shopping. After the gifts, drive over to pick them up.”

Chi Enen still frowned.

What An Xin said makes sense. If you follow An Xin's explanation, it does make sense and there is nothing to doubt.

But she still felt something was wrong.

"Okay, don't think about it anymore. You just keep thinking wrong because what I said before is too scary. Maybe it's not a car at all."

Lin Anxin didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only pull Jin Zhixuan.

"Zhixuan, are you right?"

Jin Zhixuan nodded quickly, "Yeah, I think so too. Miss Chi, don't think too much and make yourself too nervous."

Both of them said this. Chi Enen was embarrassed to show that she cared about this episode. Although she still felt weird, she didn't say anything more. He nodded and said, "Maybe I'm thinking too much. It's nothing. I'm going to see Baby Chi."

"Go." Lin Anxin saw that she was no longer bothered about the matter, so she waved her hand and let her go.

Chi Enen ordered a glass of orange juice ice drink, held the drink, and walked towards the beautiful young boy who was more dazzling than the sun on the beach——


The beautiful young man who had been staring at the local craftsman turned his head, saw her, and hummed.

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