Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2148 How dare you scold him?

The little girl pursed her lips twice, as if she wanted to cry or not. In fact, she was secretly observing her brother Guo's reaction. When she realized that her brother was not coaxing her like the uncles and aunts around her, she blinked and held back the water.

Heartbroken, he grabbed a large handful of coconut candies from his pocket and handed them over, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...Brother, leave a piece of coconut sugar for Nono..."

Chi Baobao naturally put away the candy in his palm. Although there was no expression on his face, he actually admired the little fool's speed in asking for candy.

He had confiscated so many candies from her just now, but she had the ability to ask for another bag in the blink of an eye.

This ability is really wasted if we don’t go out to beg!

After he put all the candies into his pocket, he stretched out his hand towards the poor little girl Ai again and said, "Take it out."

"..." Nono opened his eyes wide and pretended to be innocent.

"There must be a candy hidden in your pocket, right?" Chi Baobei knew her too well, and she would never hand it over so honestly.

Nuonuo didn't expect that her little move would be seen by her brother, so she reflexively covered her pockets.

Chi Baobei just deceived her, but actually didn't know whether she had hidden candy, so she betrayed herself. Chi Baobei immediately narrowed his eyes and said, "Take it out."

"...No, no more."

"Do you want me to do it myself, or do you want me to hand it over? If you hand it over obediently, you can still have candy in two weeks. If I find it myself, I will detain you for three more days!"

The threat of Chi Guoguo!

And this threat was particularly useful to Nono, it was a fatal blow.

Her little face was almost twisted into knots, and she tried desperately to make a final struggle, "Brother... leave one for Nono..."

She is still smart and knows how to flatter, "Ge Guo is good, Ge Guo is the best, and Nono likes Ge Guo the most."

"Do you like me farting louder than you?" Chi Baobei was very vindictive. He had not forgotten how the little fool betrayed him just now.

He hooked his fingers and said, "I'll count to three and if you don't hand it over, I will automatically assume that you don't hand it over."


"Brother pot..."


Nuonuo was so anxious that she was about to jump. She reluctantly put her hand into her pocket and took out the candy that she had hidden in troubled waters.

Clenched tightly.

"Brother Guo... leave one for Nono."

"I'm going to count to 1."

The little girl pursed her lips and slowly handed over her chubby hands that were clenched into small fists.

Chi Baobao directly pulled her hand away and snatched the coconut candy from her hand.

The candy in Nuonuo's hand was completely confiscated, and her temper got worse. She was so bold that she dared to glare at her brother and accuse her forcefully, "Brother is the culprit!"

"Brother is the worst!"

"Brother, the pot is too bad!"

She couldn't think of a curse word, so she held it in for a long time before she finally managed to say, "Brother Guo is a bald guy!"

Her favorite cartoon now is "Bear Bears". She likes the two bears and the little squirrel the most, and dislikes the bald Qiang the least.

The angriest curse word she could think of was Bald Qiang.

Unexpectedly, Chi Baobao didn't even raise her eyelids, ignoring her blushing face. Walking up to Huo Yi, he also extended his hand, "Uncle Huo, the little fool also hid some candy here with you, right? Give me the candy she hid, lest she ask you for it later."

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