Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2152 Lost one hundred thousand

The haggard middle-aged woman shrank when she questioned her, but thinking of her frightened son, her heart hardened again, "I didn't mean that. I just saw your brother's appearance and was too anxious. So. talent……"

"That's why you came to my place of work and chased me for money? Do you know that a distinguished guest has stayed in the hotel these days? The manager said that if anyone makes a mistake at this time and offends this guest, he will be punished. You don't have to stay here to work anymore. At this time, you still come to my place of work to make trouble, are you trying to force me to death?" Qiao Yimo really couldn't bear it anymore, "I said it, what's the matter? When I get off work, call me and tell me that you still have to come over."

"I told you on the phone last night that you refused to help your brother no matter what. I had no choice but to come to your place of work. If you had agreed to help on the phone, I would not have come. ”

What she said was as rogue as possible, but she still said it as a matter of course, as if it was really her fault.

Qiao Yimo's chest seemed to be blocked by a big stone. Every time he breathed, his lungs were pulled and torn painfully. She squeezed the hand at her side, exhaled, and said expressionlessly, "I only have 30,000, and I will call you after get off work. Let my brother handle the remaining 70,000 by himself."

Hearing that she was willing to give money, the middle-aged woman's eyes suddenly lit up. When she heard the amount she mentioned, her eyes turned into dissatisfaction, "...only thirty thousand?"

She obviously meant that she was dissatisfied with Qiao Yimo's only 30,000 yuan, but because she was asking for help, she didn't say it loudly.

Qiao Yimo was so angry by her words that she didn't even want to say anything. Her face was only numb, and she said, "Go away, don't make trouble here, if you disturb the guests, I will also No more work.”

The middle-aged woman was pulled by her, her haggard face showed anxiety, and she held her hand and refused to leave. She said cautiously, "Yimo, you must have more than 30,000 yuan, so please help your brother." , just this time, the last time. Please help your brother pay back the 100,000 yuan."

If the person in front of her wasn't her biological mother and looked haggard, Qiao Yimo would have really wanted to ask her if she had picked it up from the trash can. She took a deep breath, tried her best to suppress her temper, and said, "I'm just an ordinary office worker. How much money do you think I can make a month? I have to give you more than half of it every month. I still need to rent a house and live. Let me tell you clearly, I only have 40,000 yuan in hand now. I will keep 10,000 yuan to pay the rent. If my brother feels that it is less, you can give it up. "

"I don't think it's less, no, why do you only have 40,000 yuan? Isn't your salary very high? Don't you usually work part-time to make extra money? Yimo, you won't lie to me, right?"

How can the salary be low when working in a seven-star hotel? Her salary is not low, but she can't afford to support so many people. She has no money.

Qiao Yimo repeated mechanically, "I only have 30,000 yuan, do you want it? Forget it if you don't want it. I'm at work now, so don't interrupt my work anymore. I'll talk about it when I get back tonight."

"I'm afraid you won't answer my call at night..." the middle-aged woman whispered, and then immediately added, "It's not that I don't believe you, I'm just worried about your brother."

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