Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2156 Next time you drive, remember to drive slower!

Li Beijue didn't know what she was thinking, and he didn't care what she was thinking.

He didn't even remember what Qiao Yimo looked like.

After he casually helped Qiao Yimo, he met Si Chen who was walking towards him.

Si Chen saw him walking over there, looked at the waitress and family members not far away in surprise, and said strangely, "Beijue, what did you do over there just now?"

"Did not do anything."

Li Beijue didn't take Qiao Yimo's matter seriously and asked him, "Are you done?"

Si Chen didn't think he would have anything to do with a hotel waiter, so he easily changed his attention and said, "Well, we just finished it. Where are they? When will they be back? Have you called to ask?"

He was the one who suffered the most. He was basically preparing alone this afternoon, and Huo Tingting and Li Beijue barely paid attention to it!

One ran back to the room to have a video conference.

One of them didn't leave, but he had a sullen face and a irritable look the whole time. Not only did he not help, he even gave him a cold look from time to time.

That look seemed like she wanted to settle a score with him.

As a result, he felt like a ray of light on his back the whole afternoon and was terribly uncomfortable.

Fortunately, people are coming back.

If Chi Enen didn't come back, he would be killed by Bei Jue's eyes.

Fortunately it's coming back.

After Si Chen's long-awaited arrival, Chi Enen finally came back, and it was two minutes faster than the 20 minutes promised.

This result made Li Beijue very unhappy. From the moment he waited for her to drive, his handsome face smelled like ink.

"Didn't you say 20 minutes at the fastest? Why are you back so soon?"

The date he made with this woman was that if she lasted more than a minute, he could do it one more time.

Now that she has arrived early, that agreement is void.

He was in a bad mood. In the past, whoever made him feel bad would make that person feel even worse. Now... He frowned, with a sullen face, his eagle eyes glanced at Huo Yi aside, and said in a bad tone, "Next time you drive, remember to drive slower!"

Huo Yi was warned inexplicably. He bent down confused and said respectfully, "Yes, sir."

Chi Enen was the only one present who knew why he said that. She knew it, so she frowned and reminded him, "Li Beijue..."

He cannot take out his anger on innocent people.

The domineering and irritable man suppressed his temper and said, "Remember it next time!"

"Yes, Sir."

Chi Enen was so impressed with him, how naive he was.

She won't agree to his request next time.

In fact, she didn't agree this time. He hung up the phone arrogantly before she even spoke. This kind of behavior is really... too arbitrary!

Si Chen interrupted at this time, "Okay, don't stand here anymore. Let's go and have dinner. I have everything ready."

"Let me show it to you in person tonight."

"You cook?" Lin Anxin was the first one not to give him face, and said with serious doubts, "You can't even cook the meal for the sponsor. Are you sure that what you cook can be eaten?"

The corner of Si Chen's mouth twitched, and he decided to pretend that he didn't hear, "Let's go, don't stand here. I've been busy all afternoon and I'm hungry."

He urged several people to leave quickly.

The group followed him to the beach.

When I saw the beach, I finally understood why he said he had been busy all afternoon...

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