Because his injury had not healed completely, he could not participate and could only be a referee.

As for Lin Anxin, she started playing games with Chi Baobao after dinner.

She called it "let Chi Baobao take her to fly".

She had just started playing that game with Chi Baobao. Although her skills were much better than Chi Enen, she was still far behind Chi Baobao who had been playing for a while.

Recently, she was simply addicted to this game and played it whenever she had time.

It was not easy to get the opportunity for Chi Baobao to play with her, so she certainly would not miss the opportunity to let the game's 'god' take her to fly.

Although the famous 'god' on this list was only 9 years old. But she was thick-skinned, haha, as long as she didn't say it, who would know. So she hugged Chi Baobao's thighs with a clear conscience.

On the other side, Chi Enen was forced to take off her shoes and stepped on the beach barefoot. The fine sand slipped out from between her feet. Chi Enen couldn't help but hold the arm of the person next to her and said in a low voice, "Li Beijue, do you really want to play? I don't know how to play."

She has never had athletic cells since she was a child.

When she was in school, she could barely run 800 meters, and she had never even touched a sport like beach volleyball.

"Since they dare to provoke me, why don't you play?" Li Beijue's dictionary does not have the word retreat. He narrowed his eagle eyes, lowered his head, looked at Chi Enen's plain face, and suddenly stretched out his hand, pinched her cheek domineeringly, and said, "Do you know how to play dodgeball?"

Of course she knows dodgeball!

"I know."

"Just pretend you are playing dodgeball later. When you see a volleyball flying over, run farther away. Don't be as slow as a snail and get hit by the ball!"

"..."Even if she can't play beach volleyball anymore, as Chi Baby likes to say, she has common sense without knowledge, and she can watch TV without common sense. Who would dodge when seeing the ball flying back when playing volleyball? If she dodges, what about the game?

Li Beijue seemed to see what she was thinking, his dark eagle eyes were bottomless, and he touched his rosy thin lips and warned her again, "Remember, dodge immediately when you see the ball! Chi Enen, you are not smart enough. If you are hit by the ball twice more, I doubt that the few brain cells left in your brain will be knocked out. For the IQ of your children in the future, it is better for you to dodge a little."

You are not smart to begin with. If you are hit by the ball twice more, I doubt that the few brain cells left in your brain will all be knocked out——

Chi Enen's temples jumped twice, and she was about to open her mouth to refute.

Suddenly, the man who was talking to her with his head down suddenly lowered his head, and his soft thin lips pressed down, sealing her lips and teeth. And taking advantage of her opening her mouth, he directly attacked the city and gave her an extremely overbearing and lingering kiss!

Chi Enen was caught off guard by the kiss.

By the time she realized what was happening, he had already pulled away, ending this kiss that was as fiery and as fast as lightning.

His eyes, which were more beautiful than obsidian, reflected her shadow. He spoke in a hoarse voice that only the two of them could hear, "Chi Enen, sometimes I really want to press you down on the bed and never let you get up!"

Fortunately, she was not a mercenary or a commercial spy, otherwise, he would really die on her, and die willingly!

Because he wanted her!

He wanted her all the time!

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