Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2170 Don’t tell me you’re going to jump

Si Chen looked at his methodical movements and became more and more worried. He couldn't help but ask, "Beijue, what are you doing now? Don't tell me. You plan to find Enen from the elevator patio..."

At first, he didn't realize what these tools were used for, but now that he was watching the cold man's operations, a shocking idea came to his mind.

The man who was tying a bandage on his left hand ignored him at all. He was full of hormones and bit the bandage that was inconvenient to tie with his teeth. He also tied the bandage wrapped around his left hand with a tight knot. After he finished all this, he calmly took out the anti-cut gloves from the bag and put them on. He glanced sideways at the worried Si Chen and said in a deep voice, "I told you, I can't wait!"

Si Chen's balls ached when he heard that he really planned to go down to rescue Chi Enen himself. He hurriedly stopped in front of him and stopped him with a serious expression, "Are you kidding me?! Enen is on the 10th floor. If you go down from the patio, do you know how many meters you have to slide down to get to the 10th floor? Also, you are just like this Just use basic protection and slide down. What if an accident happens? Have you considered the consequences? "

Li Beijue's chest seemed to be filled with lava, and the volcano was threatening to erupt at any time. He suddenly stared into Si Chen's eyes, as if he was trying his best to suppress his emotions, and gritted his teeth and said, "Then have you considered how scared she is of being trapped in the elevator alone!"

It's self-evident who she is.

Besides Chi Enen, who else could make a man who has always been aloof, dignified and domineering so out of control?

Si Chen was speechless. After a while, his attitude softened a lot and he said, "Even so, you can't take risks. It's too dangerous for you to continue like this. Just wait a moment and wait for the Li family headquarters to decipher the code." The virus program that gets off the elevator will be fine as long as the elevator resumes operation. There is no need to take such risks."

"Yes, what Mr. Si said makes sense. Sir, please wait a little longer. Madam will be fine. The people at Li's headquarters are already deciphering the virus program, and they will definitely be able to decipher the other party's program soon." Huo Yi was startled when he heard that Li Beijue wanted to jump down to save Chi Enen. He was not worried about Chi Enen, but he was more worried about Li Beijue. "If the young lady knew that you were taking such a risk, she would not approve of you."

"Then make her angry! Let her scold me!" Li Beijue remained unmoved, his burning eagle eyes full of stubbornness, indicating that he would not change his mind easily.

He couldn't wait any longer.

Damn he couldn't wait any longer!

He didn't know how long it would take those losers to decipher the other party's virus program. Whether it would be the next second, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, they wouldn't be able to decipher it!

He can't afford to gamble!

He couldn't afford to gamble on anything related to Chi Enen's life safety!

They now have no idea what the instructions implanted by the other party are. Every second that passes now is a moment of life and death for that woman.

He waited for 20 minutes which was the limit!

Even if the people at Li's headquarters decoded the elevator's virus program the next second after he jumped, he would have jumped in vain. It doesn't matter if that damn woman said he was impulsive!

He wanted to hear her voice!

Now! immediately! To hear her voice!

He couldn't hold on for a minute, he would go crazy if he couldn't hear her voice again!

Si Chen opened his mouth, not knowing how to convince him. He turned his head impatiently and called for help, "Lei Lei, help persuade Bei Jue!"

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