Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2172 Stimulate her to stay awake

However, he didn't wait for a response for a while.

"Chi Enen!" Li Beijue violently knocked on the roof of the elevator. His uneasiness increased infinitely. His leg was scratched due to the impact just now, and the blood stained his pants, and the red circle was visible to the naked eye. But as if he didn't know the pain, he banged the elevator roof loudly and growled, "Chi Enen, talk! Shi-t! Don't scare me!"

If she doesn't speak, he will go crazy!

I'm going crazy worried!

I'm so scared that I'm going crazy!

Li Beijue's eyes were scarlet, like Lucifer coming out of hell, handsome and bloodthirsty.

Before he went crazy, there was finally a small response from the elevator, and the people inside made a slight banging sound, as if in response to him.

Immediately afterwards, a faint voice came out, "Li Beijue, I have a stomachache..."

Very quietly.

But he heard it.

It was raised in the throat, and the heart that was almost crushed finally became sticky.

She's at!

Just as he thought, this woman was indeed trapped here!

He can still speak, which means there is no immediate danger to his life.

After he confirmed this, he became much calmer. He quickly opened the bag on his body, took out the various gadgets inside, and said, "I'm here. Don't be afraid, I'll take you out right away!"


The noise in the elevator sounded like nothing was wrong.

Li Beijue quickly turned on the search light above his head, took off his gloves, and began to concentrate on unscrewing the screws on the top of the battery.

He moved quickly, and beads of sweat broke out on his forehead.

At the same time, he did not forget to talk to the people inside, "Are you stupid? There is something wrong with the elevator and you still get in it!"

The person in the dark elevator huddled in the corner. When she heard this, she twitched the corners of her mouth and wanted to refute him. She didn't know there was something wrong with the elevator.

But she really didn't have the energy to speak.

Every breath of air she took now was excruciatingly uncomfortable.

My lungs hurt as if someone had stabbed them with a needle dipped in salt water, and I didn't have any strength in my body.

What was even more uncomfortable was her stomach, which began to cramp. She could only huddle in the corner, try to huddle up, adjust her breathing, and breathe as little air as possible in the elevator...

Even if Li Beijue hadn't called her suddenly and loudly just now, she would have fallen asleep in the elevator where she couldn't see her fingers.

"Remember that snail. When you get back, I will give that snail to you. Anyway, you are as stupid as a snail all day long!"

"..." When did the snail become stupid?

Chi Enen knew that he deliberately said something irritating to her to keep her awake, but she really didn't have the strength to respond to him.

Li Beijue speeded up his work. On the one hand, he needed to concentrate on the work at hand, but on the other hand, he was afraid that the people below him would not be able to hold on.

Seeing that she remained silent.

Unable to hold it back, he called her again, "Chi Enen."

"Yeah." Chi Enen could only answer with such a simple nasal sound now.

Li Beijue felt a little relieved when he heard her response. He quickly removed the screws on the top floor of the elevator one by one. From time to time, he called out the name of the person below to make sure she was still awake.

Finally, the last screw was removed.

He stood on the edge and pulled away the steel plate on the top of the elevator——

He was able to open the elevator roof so quickly because the elevator roof was not welded. He looked at the drawings, the structure of the elevator, and determined the type of elevator before jumping down without hesitation.

If the top of the elevator is welded, even if he jumps off, it will not help. It will only increase the load-bearing capacity of the elevator and put the people inside in more danger!

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