Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2174 From now on, trust me!

She had been trapped in the elevator for more than an hour, and her body had already become cold. The temperature in the palm of his hand was so high that it could reach her through her clothes. The previously cold belly was suddenly touched by warmth. It seemed to feel better, but also seemed to feel worse. Chi Enen told the truth without pretense, "It still hurts."

She couldn't see that Li Beijue's eyes looked like he wanted to kill someone at this moment. His scarlet eyes held back the fury and cruelty. He gently rubbed her with his hands, and then asked calmly, "Besides your stomach, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere else?"

"Headache, and... little energy."

She didn't know why, but her head hurt so much. As she spent more time trapped in the elevator, her nerves felt like they were being stretched. The pain was so painful that she almost fainted.

Li Beijue pursed his thin lips into a straight line. The searchlight above his head was very bright and could clearly illuminate the elevator wall.

The smooth elevator walls seem to be covered with a layer of mist for some reason, and it's easy to miss them if you don't pay attention.

He stretched out his finger, wiped the thing on it, put it under his nose and smelled it, and there was a faint smell coming from his finger. It was just like the smell he smelled when he just opened the elevator roof!

He held the little woman in his arms with a livid face and even her lips were pale. She wanted to pretend that nothing was wrong to deceive him into reassuring her, but a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes!

He made a decision immediately, "Chi Enen, hold on a little longer and I'll take you up!"

Just then, the walkie-talkie he brought down rang.

Huo Yi's voice came out——

"Sir, can you hear me? Sir? Please answer if you hear me."

"Shi-t! What's the fuss about?"

Damn it, what should I do if I scare this woman?

Huo Yi paused for a moment and then reported anxiously, "Sir, the virus program has been deciphered. The elevator's steel cable will break in three minutes. You and the young lady must come up quickly, otherwise it will be too late!"

"There are still two minutes and thirty seconds left."

He really wanted to say that if it doesn't work, Sir, please come up first.

But he couldn't say it.

First of all, he personally likes the young lady very much. For the sake of the young master and the young lady, it is impossible for him to say such things.

Secondly, he knew very well that letting the prince see the young lady falling in front of his eyes would make the prince more uncomfortable than killing the prince.

So he didn't say the nonsense that a butler should say.

Chi Enen also heard what he said. She suddenly grabbed the man's collar and opened her mouth in a panic, "Li Beijue, you..."

She wanted him to go up first.

But the person holding her seemed to know what she was going to say, and said first, "Shut up!"

"Chi Enen, from now on, shut up and don't talk. And, trust me! As long as I'm here, nothing will happen to you! Nothing will happen to you, and neither will I!"

His hands and feet were very fast. While talking to Chi Enen to divert her attention, he took off the rope from his body and put it on Chi Enen's body.

"I know what you are thinking in your mind, and I can tell you clearly that you are thinking too much! I will not give you a chance to get married for a second time! Don't even think about it! So I am not as great as you think, why should I be the only one in life? I'll give you the chance to go down. If you want to go together, don't worry, I will drag you to death."

At times like this, don't most people speak very touching words?

As soon as he finished speaking, the elevator shook violently. Even though Chi Enen was blindfolded, he could hear the sound of the steel cables starting to break——

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