Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2176 Afraid of him doing something stupid

Only one of the two people can come up using the safety leash.

The remaining one is destined to be in danger!

Si Chen was left speechless by the rhetorical question. It was like he was holding a lump of air in his chest, which was weighed heavily on his chest and he couldn't let it out.

Huo Yi is heavier than him.

As a butler, he failed to protect the person he wanted to protect, and supported the Lord in taking risks. If anything happened to either the Lord or the Young Madam, he would be entirely responsible for his death!

The atmosphere on the rooftop was extremely heavy.

The muscles in everyone's face were tense.

Even Qiao Yimo clenched his fists nervously, praying in his heart for a miracle to happen——

Compared to how everyone down below looked heavy, the situation below was not as urgent as they thought.

After Li Beijue turned off the intercom, he threw it in the corner of the elevator. He turned around and pressed the little woman's shoulders, lowered his head, and warned the woman whose lower lip was about to bleed from biting her lower lip, "Chi Enen, don't be afraid when you are pulled up later. They are all outside and everything will be fine." . Remember what I just said, believe me!”

"What about you? What should you do?"

It's not that she doesn't believe him, she just can't believe it!

"Li Beijue, you just said you would drag me with you if you want to die. What are you doing now?" Chi Enen bit her lower lip until it bled.

The sweet taste of fruit candies still lingered between her lips and teeth, but now the sweetness and surprise of the candies were gradually covered by the strong smell of blood...

She tried to pull the rope around her body fiercely, "I won't go up! If you don't go up, I won't go up!"

"Chi Enen!"

Chi Enen didn't listen to him at all and tried her best to pull the rope around her body. Unfortunately, she didn't have much strength in her body. After pulling for a long time, she couldn't pull away the nylon rope that was forcibly tied by Li Beijue.

She couldn't pull the rope away, and she was afraid that he would do something stupid, so she could only use the things he cared about most to stimulate him, "Didn't you say you wouldn't give me a chance to get married again?"

"Li Beijue, if you give me a chance, I will definitely get married for the second time! In order for Nuonuo to grow up healthily, I will find a new father for her. She seems to like Xize Lie very much. If you do something stupid, I will take her with you Nuonuo and Chi Baobao marry Xize Lie! "

If you do something stupid, I will take Nuonuo and Chi Baobao to marry Xize Lie!

The arrogant and handsome man's eyes were scarlet, and there was a storm about to come. He clenched his fists and almost strangled the powerful woman in front of him who said he wanted to remarry!

Of course he knew why this woman was saying this now.

Even though she knew that she was afraid that he would sacrifice his life to save her, hearing the words of marrying Xize Lie from her mouth still successfully angered him.

"What did you say?" Every word was spoken through gritted teeth!

Chi Enen could already hear the threat in his voice.

Still bracing himself, he said again, "I said, if you do something stupid, I will marry Nono and the others to Caesar..."

The next second, someone pinched her chin, lifted it up, and pressed her soft, mint-flavored lips down, as if they were trying to conquer the city.

This kiss was completely different from the sweet kiss with candy in his mouth.

This time, as if he wanted to punish her for saying the wrong thing, Yun fiercely sucked everything in her lips and teeth, disturbing her breathing and reason.

The tip of Chi Enen's tongue was numb from Yun's sucking, and she whimpered and wanted to withdraw.

But the powerful man didn't give her a chance at all. He silently grabbed the back of her head with one hand and deepened the kiss——

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