Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2179 He should have rescued her earlier

Huo Yi and the others who arrived later saw this scene. The anxious man kept walking back and forth outside the operating room. His handsome face was livid, his hands were tightly clenched into fists, and his whole body exuded the feeling that strangers should not approach him. Aura...

"How is Enen?" Lin Anxin was worried about Chi Enen. He didn't even care about the strong pressure coming from this man. As soon as he arrived at the place, he immediately ran over to ask him.

"..." Li Beijue just looked at her indifferently, pursed his thin lips, ignored her, and continued to pace himself!

Lin Anxin was too worried about Chi Enen. After waiting for a long time without getting an answer, she couldn't help but stand in front of him and asked, "How is Enen? You should tell me!"

"Don't worry." Si Chen grabbed her, pulled her aside, and reassured her, "Enen will definitely be fine. Bei Jue doesn't know the specific situation now. Let's wait until the people in the operating room come out. Just know.”

The red light was still on in the operating room, so Beijue was probably not sure about En En's situation yet. Otherwise, Bei Jue wouldn't be walking around here so irritably.

This woman is also stupid.

Couldn't she see Bei Jue's expression now?

She actually had the guts to go up and ask.

Why don't I usually see her so bold? Isn't she usually quite afraid of Bei Jue?

Si Chen suddenly felt a bit sour in his chest.

For the sake of Enen, she could run to ask Bei Jue regardless of her fear. Why did she get to him and their relationship encountered obstacles, so her first reaction was to dump him?

Lin Anxin didn't know what he was thinking, and she wasn't in the mood to know the current situation. She finally listened to Si Chen's dissuasion, raised her head and glanced at the traffic lights above the operating room, gritted her teeth and became quiet.

But her silence was just not speaking, she was not really standing there honestly.

Like Li Beijue, she clenched her hands and paced back and forth anxiously.

Time passed minute by minute.

With every minute that passes, everyone present can see someone's expression getting a little more ugly.

An hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The man who was pacing back and forth suddenly stopped, his brows furrowed, and there seemed to be a storm simmering in his eyes, with the oppressive feeling of coming rain and wind filling the building!

damn it!

Why hasn't anyone come out yet?

What's going on inside? What happened to that woman! Why didn't anyone come out and tell him!

He could hardly wait any longer.

It was like his heart was suffering from a terminal illness, and every second he spent was like torture, like putting his heart on a burning fire. It was too uncomfortable.

He was so uncomfortable that he couldn't bear it anymore!

"Sir." At this time, a voice sounded in his ears.

It turns out that Huo Yi is back.

He held a simple medical kit in his hand and said respectfully, "Sir, let me help you treat the wound on your hand."

Li Beijue lowered his head and saw that the palms of his hands were almost entirely crimson. The blood from the injured area had already solidified on his hands. The dazzling color on his hands looked like they were painted...

It should obviously be painful, but he was so numb that he couldn't feel anything at all...

It wasn't painful or itchy, as if those shocking hands were not his.


Li Beijue withdrew his gaze and clenched his fists. In Huo Yi's stunned eyes, he punched the wall——


He should have gone down earlier. He should not have watched the so-called surveillance video. He should have jumped down to save her immediately when the waiter said she might be in danger!

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