Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2182 Believe it or not, this time it has nothing to do with me

Yes, you have to make it impossible!

The pressure on the female doctor's shoulders suddenly increased.

In the operating room, the medical staff pushed the person out of the hospital bed. Li Beijue ignored the female doctor who couldn't relax and followed him all the way.

The hospital where Chi Enen lived was the largest VIP ward. The ward not only had sofas and TVs, but also refrigerators and other equipment.

However, the person lying on the hospital bed looked pale and had his eyes closed. No one present had the energy to see what was in the VIP ward.

The electrocardiogram on the bedside was ticking.

Apart from the beeping sound of the machine, there was no other sound in the ward.

Lin Anxin sat beside the bed, silently holding the hand of the person on the bed, and whispered softly, "Well, you have to wake up quickly, don't scare me..."

Li Beijue stood silently by the bed for a while, then suddenly walked out with his cell phone, looking stern.

He walked to the corner of the corridor and dialed a mobile phone number.

In less than ten seconds, the other end picked up, "Hello..."

This voice is - Li Qiyun!

Li Beijue went straight in, his voice as cold as the cold air in Siberia, without any warmth, "Did you do it again this time?"

Li Qiyun was obviously stunned for a moment, "What did I do?"

"You're still pretending to be stupid!" He has endured her many times!

She shouldn't think that because her surname is Li, he will always tolerate her!

Chi Enen is his bottom line!

She stepped on it once and let it go. After all, Chi Enen's life was not endangered last time. He let her go for the sake of his second uncle.

But this time, the woman almost died!

Even if he is not dead, he is still lying on the hospital bed, his face as pale as a bloodless doll!

In front of Li Beijue's eyes, Chi Enen was lying on the hospital bed, and his heart seemed to have been cut in half with a knife!

He clenched his fists, suppressed his anger, and said word by word, "Li Qiyun, do you think I dare not kill you!"

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone, and then the woman's calm voice came out, "I know you dare, what are you afraid of for her? You are going crazy for her."

"But this time, it really has nothing to do with me. Whether you believe it or not. I received a call from the other party before. They asked me to discuss cooperation, but I refused. Then they said they were looking for Chi En En’s trouble, prove it to me.”

"Why do not you say it?"

"Ha." Li Qiyun sneered, extremely sad, "Why should I say that? I don't like her. She had an accident, and I couldn't ask for it. Also, even if I tell you, will you believe my words? You may feel that Is it me who is behind this? As for the other reasons, it's very simple. With Chi Enen's status and the wealth of the Habsden family, do you think there is no danger around her? There are people who want to take advantage of her every day. I don’t need to say anything about it!”

She hesitated at that time whether to tell Li Beijue about the phone call, but after thinking about it, she put down the phone.

She didn't say anything because she thought Li Beijue wouldn't believe her.

Secondly, Chi Enen already had a lot of people making plans, so one more person and one less person made no difference.

She thought nothing would happen.

So I didn't ask for trouble and make people suspicious.

But now that she received this call, she was almost certain that something had happened.

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