Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2185 Chi Enen, I need you now

Huo Yi carefully disinfected his injured areas one by one, and then simply bandaged them with gauze. Then he put away his things, stood up, and whispered, "Sir, it has been taken care of for you."

"go out."

It seems that the lord wants to stay alone with the young lady for a while.

"Yes, Sir." Huo Yi didn't waste any time, picked up the medical kit and walked out quietly. After going out, I didn't forget to close the door.

There was a click.

Chi Enen and Li Beijue were the only two people left in the huge ward.

The person on the hospital bed was sleeping soundly, and his gentle eyebrows were as beautiful as a painting. Just looking at it can make people calm down...

It's just that her face is too pale, and there is almost no blood on her pale lips.

Because it is so white, the bite mark on the lower lip is particularly obvious.

Li Beijue stretched out his hand and rubbed the bitten spot on her lip with his fingertips. The wound under his fingers rubbed unevenly, giving him an indescribable feeling. His dark eyes are deeper than obsidian, his straight nose bridge and rose-colored thin lips are so heroic! He rubbed his fingertips repeatedly over Chi Enen's bite, as if to rely on the warmth he felt on his fingertips to confirm that she was okay.

"Chi Enen! Wake up quickly, do you hear me! I'll give you 24 hours. If you don't wake up, I will take you back to Country W. You will never leave home again!"

At least until he gets rid of those who hurt her in the dark, she can't even think about going out freely again!

"Don't you like freedom the most? Think carefully and I will do what I say!"

The person on the hospital bed had his eyes closed and slept peacefully.

His domineering and childish threats were not heard at all.

Li Beijue knew that she couldn't hear him, and he also knew that what he said in her ears was useless! But other than this, he didn't know any other way to calm down.

"And Chi Jingchen, didn't you always want him to go to school and study like an ordinary child? As long as you wake up tomorrow, I will ask Huo Yi to send him to study! If you continue to sleep, I will send him to study Leave it to the old man and let him teach you!"

The old man's education method was completely different from the education this woman wanted Chi Jingchen to receive.

"Whatever you don't like, I will do it!"

"So, wake up quickly!" He paused while rubbing Chi Enen's lips, pursed his lips, and stared at the person in front of him, as if he wanted to rub the person in front of him into his bones and blood, "Chi Enen ,I need you now."

This woman had said before that she would always be by his side as long as he needed her.

He needs her now.

Urgent need!

The person on the hospital bed still closed his eyes quietly, and his long eyelashes did not even tremble. No miracle happened.

Li Beijue sat on the edge of the bed with his back stiff, waiting for a long time, but couldn't wait for a single word of response. It felt like someone had punched me hard in the chest. The discomfort made it difficult to breathe.

He turned his stiff body, slowly retracted his hand, and pursed his thin lips into a straight line, "...Idiot!"

I don’t know who I am scolding.

The person on the hospital bed was still peaceful with his eyes closed, not reacting at all.

Li Beijue's beautiful eagle eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he looked tired. The night outside was already very dark. He pressed his bulging temples, stood up, and silently walked to the bathroom in the VIP ward——

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