Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2193 Desperate to prove that he is okay

Her heartbeat suddenly sped up for some unknown reason, and it was pounding so hard it was about to break open her heart membrane. Chi Enen subconsciously opened his mouth and stretched out his hand to grab him, but his arm was powerless and pinned in place, unable to move. She watched helplessly as the rope above her head showed signs of breaking. She saw the man holding her raise his head and glance at the rope above his head, as if he had made a decision. Glancing at her——

It was that look.

Chi Enen's heartbeat was about to rush out of her chest, and her chest seemed to be burned by fire. The burning discomfort made her unable to breathe.


don't want!

She opened her mouth desperately and screamed in her heart, but no matter how anxious she was and how much she wanted to call him, no sound came out of her throat...

The burning feeling in my heart reached its peak——

Chi Enen's forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

The powerlessness, fear, panic, and vague premonition of what was going to happen drove her almost crazy.

At this moment, suddenly, the person holding her let go.

She could clearly feel the force holding her waist loosen. The feeling was very clear, as clear as if it really happened.

She watched helplessly as the handsome man fell into the endless abyss...

The burning feeling in her heart reached its peak at this moment. She was tied there, unable to move her hands and feet. She could only watch helplessly as he fell into the darkness...

"Ah!" The pain almost annihilated her.

In extreme pain, she closed her eyes and whined like a beast that had lost its soulmate.

The dark space in the dream suddenly shattered into dregs as she howled in pain.

The force that had been restraining her hands and feet suddenly disappeared, and she suddenly opened her eyes——

The first thing you see is an enlarged handsome face.

It was exactly the same as the face that fell into the endless abyss in her dream.

Because she suddenly woke up, her body's senses were slowly recovering. After Chi Enen came to her senses briefly, she suddenly realized her situation.

There was a soft touch between his lips and teeth, as numb as an electric shock.

After her brain shut down for two seconds, she finally realized what was going on.

Is Li Beijue...kissing her?

The man who was kissing her domineeringly had his eyes closed. He hadn't noticed that she had woken up, and he was still sucking in the sweetness from her mouth.

Calm yourself down with every ounce of sweetness that takes over her lips and teeth.

Her lips were tingling, and Li Beijue's kissing skills were superb. Even if she was in a coma and didn't respond at all, she could still make people fall in love.

Besides, she's awake now.

Chi Enen's bright eyes still retained the fear of the nightmare, and her mind couldn't help but picture the scene in the dream where Li Beijue let go of his hand and let herself fall into the endless darkness in order to protect her. The feeling of despair, fear, and fear of losing him surged into her chest again, making her chest feel extremely sore.

She couldn't tell whether she was awake or groggy. She only knew that she wanted him, and she wanted him desperately now!

I want to prove that he is still there, that he is okay!

For the first time, Chi Enen was so bold. He followed his heart, suddenly stretched out his arms, hooked his arms around the man's neck, and responded to the kiss eagerly.

"Hmm." Li Beijue groaned and suddenly opened his eyes!

Damn it, when did she wake up?

The sweet response from the little woman's lips and teeth caused a burst of fire to rise in his lower abdomen...

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