Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2195 Miss Chi is only awake on the surface

Li Beijue!

His figure disappeared from the sight of the ward, and the pupils of the person on the hospital bed instantly shrank into pinpoint lights. The way he disappeared in the nightmare overlapped with the way he disappeared now...

The nerves in Chi Enen's temples began to tighten and hurt, he had a headache, and his heartbeat accelerated violently.

She pressed down on the place where her heart was beating violently, put one hand on the hospital bed, and breathed heavily, as if she wouldn't be able to breathe otherwise.

it hurts.

Head hurts.

Chi Enen had a headache as if there was a tightening spell on his head, which was constantly being squeezed and painful.

Her mind went blank, but in the blink of an eye, a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and her face turned from crimson to pale.

She tightened her grip on the sheets and tried to calm herself down. However, the more depressed she was, the more her head hurt!

at this time.

The door to the ward was kicked open impatiently.

Immediately afterwards, the hula-la medical staff trotted in.

After the female doctor in charge saw her appearance, she quickly performed a simple examination, had someone prepare a sedative, and gave her an injection.

The sedative was pushed into the blood vessels of her wrist. The little woman, who felt as if she was about to die, gradually calmed down at a speed visible to the naked eye, and slowly closed her eyes, as if she had fallen asleep again.

The female doctor tucked her in and tested her temperature again.

"Doctor, Miss Chi's temperature is normal."

"Yes, I understand." She paused and then ordered, "Go and get a bottle of glucose and give Miss Chi a bottle of glucose."


The nurse got the order and hurried out.

Li Beijue stared at the hospital bed from beginning to end, watching the uncomfortable look of the person on the bed, watching her fall asleep again after taking an injection of sedatives, his brows always furrowed. The hand on his side was clenched into a fist, and his eyes were fixed on the person on the hospital bed. Without even glancing at the female doctor on the side, he asked in a deep voice, "What's going on? Why is she like this?"

he asked calmly.

But the female doctor felt the pressure under his calmness, and the pressure on her shoulders became heavier unconsciously, and she hurriedly explained to him, "Mr. Li, I have predicted Miss Chi's situation before, but I just didn't tell you. Because I don’t know what kind of stimulation Ms. Chi suffered at that time. But looking at it now, the stimulation at that time had a great impact on Miss Chi. Otherwise, Miss Chi would not wake up. There would be such a big reaction..."

Li Beijue didn't want to hear her tactful explanation, so he interrupted her directly, glanced at her impatiently and said, "Speak humanly!"


The female doctor was depressed. She reorganized her words and said, "I told Mr. Li about Miss Chi's situation before. Miss Chi inhaled a large amount of the toxic gas sarin. This gas is a neurotoxin that can cause symptoms in the human body." Symptoms such as dizziness, anxiety, mental damage, muscle spasms, and difficulty breathing. All neurotoxins can cause damage to human nerves. If there is no stimulation, it is easy to fall into a nightmare and be unable to wake up. Ms. Chi is in this situation now. She may still be immersed in the things she encountered that stimulated her before, and she is not fully awake. What we see is that she is only awake physically and superficially. , In fact, deep in her brain, she refuses to wake up.”

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