Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2197 Chi Enen, listen to me and take a deep breath

Huo Yi didn't know what happened, but through his tone, he could vaguely guess that the young lady in the hospital might not be in good condition.

He said no more nonsense, "Yes, Sir."

He also doesn't like these daring people, who really think that they can do whatever they want to hurt anyone just because they are outside the edge of the law and are not afraid of death.

The young lady has such a good character, and they have the heart to attack the young lady.

Such people would be trash if left in society.

It's better to clean it up and show it to other garbage, so that those garbage can understand that the world is not as easy to mess with as they imagined.

If you dare to do it, you have to bear the consequences that you may not be able to bear!

After hanging up Huo Yi's call, Li Beijue pulled up his chair and sat in front of the hospital bed. He sat quietly next to the person on the hospital bed for five or six hours.

It wasn't until dusk that those who slept with their eyes closed slowly opened their eyes...

When Chi Enen first opened her eyes, her brain was not very clear. It took a few seconds for her to wake up a little.

It's just that the temples are still pulling very uncomfortable.

After a brief pause, she saw clearly the man sitting in front of her hospital bed, blinked her eyes, opened her mouth, and wanted to call his name. However, she soon discovered to her surprise that she could not make a sound from her throat——

Panic quickly filled her eyes, and her face began to turn transparent...

Li Beijue reacted quickly. Before she panicked, he got up and walked to the hospital bed, pulled out the needle on the back of her hand, and picked up Princess Daheng.

"Chi Enen, I'll take you somewhere. Before that, take a deep breath and follow my command!"

A low voice sounded in his ears.

Her whole body was enveloped in the calming scent of dragon sandalwood, and her panicked heart calmed down a lot. She pricked up her ears and listened to his words.

"Listen, every time I take a step, I count. 1 in, 2 out. Do you understand?"

She was about to want to know, but found that she couldn't make a sound, so she nodded instead.

Li Beijue hugged her tighter and started walking...


Chi Enen took a breath, filling her lungs with oxygen, and the burning sensation became much better.

"2." He took another step forward.

Chi Enen exhaled. After the exhaust gas was exhaled, the unknown pressure on her chest also reduced a lot.

"1, 2, 1, 2..."

Li Beijue counted one every time he took a step. Chi Enen also followed his instructions, inhaling and exhaling. After taking a set of deep breaths, the anxiety on her chest eased a lot, and her emotions gradually calmed down... …

The tall and arrogant man carried her out of the ward and placed her in a wheelchair.

After making sure she was seated properly, she took a special elevator and pushed her out of the hospital.

Behind the hospital in Mauritius is the sea. The coastal road is beautifully built. Many people come here for a walk. When the sun sets, the road is even more beautiful illuminated by the orange sunset, making people feel calm. In this peaceful and peaceful atmosphere...

Normally, patients like Chi Enen who have not been told by doctors that they can be discharged cannot just walk out of the hospital. But who is Li Beijue? If he wants to take Chi Enen out, who dares not to take him out?

So they walked smoothly without any medical staff blocking them.

There were only a few bodyguards mixed in with the crowd, carefully protecting their safety.

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