The heart beating powerfully under Chi Enen's palm, even through the fabric of his clothes, was beating so hard that it was impossible to ignore...

She looked dazed for a moment, and her eyes were misty, as if she was deep in thought.

Li Beijue did not forcefully wake her up.

Quietly knelt on one knee in front of her, grabbed her wrist, and forced her hand to press on his chest, letting her feel her heartbeat.

A pair of dark and deep eagle eyes watched every change in her expression, her sexy thin lips touched up and down, and she said softly, "Chi Enen, it's beating. It never stops beating."

"I said that I will not give you a chance to get married again, so what you thought before didn't happen. That night, I just let go of you and grabbed the broken elevator cable next to me, and did not fall. "Li Beijue's eagle eyes were firmly locked on her, watching her changes every time he said a word to see if she was listening, "If I had known you would think so much, I wouldn't have put a blindfold on you!"

How could he have thought that she would imagine him falling and be stimulated.

He asked Huo Yi to prepare a blindfold because he was afraid that she would not be able to accept the sudden bright environment after staying in the elevator for a long time. She was also worried that she would have a psychological shadow when she saw the elevator fall while being hoisted up by the nylon rope, so she thought of asking Huo Yi to prepare a blindfold and put it on her.

Unexpectedly, he thought he was being nice to this woman, but instead he left a psychological shadow on her!

"I was fine at the time, nothing happened! Instead, you fainted. Chi Enen, if I really died, what would you be touching now? Do ghosts have a heartbeat? You can touch dreams when you are dreaming. Is the heartbeat of the person inside?”

The female doctor said that patients may subconsciously regard everything they see in reality as a dream to avoid what they are afraid of facing.

Chi Enen was afraid that something would happen to him, so she had such a strong emotional reaction when she first woke up.

"I remember I told you that I won't die before you. Even if I die, I will drag you with me! Anyway, I won't give you a chance to find another man! So, I'm fine, and so are you! I understand. "Chi Enen."

Why he would die first and drag Chi Enen with him was what he usually said to scare Chi Enen.

If he really faced a life-or-death situation, I don't know what choice he would make.

But at this moment, he would definitely say so.

He must firmly tell her that he is living well.

Chi Enen's eyes were in a trance, and she didn't know if she heard what he was saying. She remained sitting in the wheelchair and touched his heart, as if she was lost in her own thoughts.

The palms of my hands were trembling with the strong heartbeat below.

So vivid and real.

The sea breeze brought waves of the smell of the sea, and not far away there were the sounds of people having fun...

These bits and pieces magnified infinitely in Chi Enen's pupils. Her fingertips suddenly trembled slightly, and her eyes turned to the man close at hand. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

Li Beijue did not force her to speak in a hurry.

Although he wanted to let her speak immediately, his nervous hands clenched into fists.

But he still endured it.

Try to look calm and calm, waiting for her to slowly adapt to the words——

Time seemed to have passed as long as a century. Chi Enen tried several times before his throat came out with a hoarse voice, "Li... Beijue."

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