After the two got in the car.

The driver closed the door for them, walked around to the front and got in the car.

The car started to drive slowly.

20 minutes later, the car stopped in front of the hotel.

Li Beijue got out of the car first. After getting off the car, he followed the same pattern and carried her down in person, including the wheelchair.

"Let's go."


Chi Enen thought he was going to take her back to the hospital, but she didn't expect that he would take her back to the hotel. She was startled and let him push her into the hotel.

"Hello, Mrs. Li, hello Mr. Li."

"Good evening Mrs. Li, good evening Mr. Li."

"Mrs. Li..."

Along the way, I met a hotel waiter who immediately said hello.

His attitude was much more respectful than before.

Chi Enen found that the hotel's security seemed to be stricter than before.

Apart from them, there were other guests staying there before. But along the way, except for the hotel staff, she didn't see a single stranger. It feels like I want to be booked into such a huge hotel.

Chi Enen looked all the way and didn't bump into a single customer. I couldn't help but asked curiously, "Li Beijue, you won't book the hotel, right?"

With his style of conduct, it is very likely that he would do this.

Li Beijue pushed her into the elevator, pressed down on the elevator floor, and said nonchalantly, "I bought it."


Forgive her for having been a philistine for too long and not yet adapted to the aristocratic lifestyle.

"Anyway, it can be regarded as an investment. The most important thing is that I don't trust their security. You are going to live here for the next few days. With their security, who can guarantee that people will not get into trouble and there will be another elevator accident. So, I must replace everything here with my people!" He gave her an unprecedented reason as if explaining.

"Yeah." Chi Enen didn't say much this time.

Li Beijue was right. He bought this place as an investment.

So it’s not a waste.

She didn't want the same accident to happen again.

She never wanted to experience him letting go of her hand in the darkness again!

Li Beijue was originally prepared to listen to her rationale, but he didn't expect that the noisy little woman who usually couldn't help but feel heartbroken when encountering such things would be extra quiet this time. After humming, she didn't say anything to him. He couldn't help but look at Chi Enen a few more times and saw her calm face. She thought it was because of the psychological shadow left by the elevator accident and the fear that she didn't bother him about buying a hotel.

There was a trace of cruelty in his eyes, and he wanted to find out the person behind the scenes and beat him up.

He squeezed the handle of the wheelchair tightly, pursed his thin lips into a straight line, suddenly broke the silence, and shouted, "Chi Enen."

"Huh?" Chi Enen didn't know that he had misunderstood, so she responded without knowing it, turned her head to look at him, and waited for his next words.

"What happened in the elevator will never happen again. I'm sorry, I didn't protect you."


Is Li Beijue apologizing to her?

Chi Enen was dumbfounded for two seconds, then looked at the emotions surging in his eyes, and gradually came to his senses, and said softly, "It has nothing to do with you, you have protected me very well. This time it was an accident, you Don’t blame yourself. I didn’t even notice there was something wrong with that elevator. I’ll pay more attention to it in the future. Li Beijue, don’t think about it anymore. Don’t worry. This won’t happen again.”

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