Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2209 I want Baby Chi to have an ordinary childhood

"Didn't you live next door to us when you were in Beijing? Then, at that time, my baby thought that the new neighbor who moved next door was named Wang, so..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted unpleasantly, "Chi Enen, do you think I don't go online?"

Lao Wang next door didn’t mean what she said at all!

It refers to the man who lives next door and likes to steal people!

His eagle eyes suddenly narrowed.

The man who lives next door and likes to steal people... Ha, very good!

"The old man has been too idle recently. Living alone in the castle is boring. Chi Jingchen is not young anymore. It's time for him to exercise with the old man. He will not spend all his time playing with his mobile phone and watching movies all day long. On those messy TV shows!”

"...Baby has no ill intentions, that's just his character. He actually likes you very much." Chi Enen also wanted to win over Chi Baobao again.

Li Beijue touched his thin lips and said, "So I just asked him to exercise with the old man and didn't throw him directly into the army."

He was thrown directly into the army by the old man before!

"Don't worry, the old man is not a feudal person. He has his own way of education. Chi Jingchen is indeed quite old. You can't let him go on like this forever. The old man has a sense of proportion."

Chi Enen pondered for a moment. Regarding Chi Jingchen's issue, she still had her own insistence, "I still want Chi Baobao to live a normal child's life."

"You mean you want him to go to school, right?" Li Beijue still stood by her on this point, "W country has a special school for aristocrats. I'll just tell the old man."

Chi Enen shook his head, "No, I want to let Baby Chi study in an ordinary school."

"It's that kind of reading without interruption. Do you know what I mean?"

Li Beijue narrowed his eagle eyes and stared at her.

Chi Enen continued, "What I mean is that if possible, it is best not to expose his identity so that he can go to school like a normal child. Of course, it is to ensure that he goes to school safely. I hope he has A childhood that can be recalled, instead of being busy doing adult things when he is a child, which will make him feel tired when he grows up. "

Because I have always been an adult, I don’t even have anything to remember.

"I know that Chi Baobao is a genius. His teacher in a school with an average IQ cannot teach him anything. I would rather he study when he comes back from school and relax when he goes to school. I hope he can have a child like ordinary children. Ordinary childhood.”

She used to attend an aristocratic school in Lin City with Chi Ya.

The aristocratic school she attended was an ordinary aristocratic school. The school was filled with many things that only exist in the adult world.

Everyone there cares too much about each other's identity and family background.

Teachers, too, use money and background to treat each student differently, dividing people into three, six, or nine grades.

There are also different grades among classmates, and the things they discuss every day are related to money.

She doesn't want Chi Baobei to be like this.

She wanted him to meet a few true friends in school and have a normal childhood. Let's play football, basketball, go shopping and sing in KTV together, instead of being flattered and touted and living in a world where everyone wears false masks.

She didn't know if Li Beijue understood what she said, because this man had lived in a completely different world from her since childhood.

He has always stood at the top of the pyramid, so he may not understand what she means.

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