Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2217 Suddenly all the irritability was soothed

The liveliness of W country has not affected the warm Mauritius at all.

The resort is still full of beaches, coconut trees, and the breeze brings laughter and joy.

When Li Beijue returned to the hotel from the hotel, Chi Enen was already asleep.

Her peaceful sleeping face was white and warm, and Li Beijue's irritable mood was suddenly soothed by the sight of her.

He stood by the bed and watched for a while. After the irritation in his chest subsided, he went to the bathroom to take a shower. After washing, I put on my bathrobe and wiped away the water stains, then lifted the quilt of the sleeping little woman on the big bed and lay down on it.

The soft big bed immediately sunk into a large area.

Chi Enen frowned subconsciously due to the noise, wrinkled the tip of his nose slightly, and groaned in displeasure, as if he was uncomfortable being disturbed while sleeping.

"Well... um..."

It's okay if she doesn't make a sound.

As soon as he made this vague sound, Li Beijue was sensitive to the tightening in his lower abdomen. An invisible stream of heat flowed from his lower abdomen, and the skin all over his body seemed to be on fire, burning hot.

"damn it!"

He frowned, stretched out his arms, and scooped the little woman sleeping next to him into his arms.

Chi Enen rolled over and ran into a hard embrace. It was not only hard, but also warm.

She became even more uncomfortable, her brows furrowed, "Well..."

A sleeping person acts more instinctively. She instinctively felt that she had fallen into a pit of fire. Her eyes were still closed, and her hands were already restlessly pushing and avoiding...

Her pushing and pushing turned into random touching in the eyes of the man who was breathing heavily.

Li Beijue wanted to endure it at first!

He didn't want to disturb her sleep.

But this woman not only made noises to seduce him, but also moved her hands and feet.

He is not a gentleman, let alone Liu Xiahui!

The woman he liked was lying in his arms, smelling of shower gel. She was moaning and making moves. He could only think that she was pretending to be asleep as a hint to him!

Li Beijue turned over and pinned the person under him. Following his instinct, his eyes darkened. His eyes wandered over her quiet and fair face and landed on her full lips.

The eyes seemed to hide the stars and the sea, full of danger and aggression.

Chi Enen hasn't realized the danger yet.

Her wrists were pressed on both sides, and she twisted uncomfortably, seeming very irritated.

Under normal circumstances, anyone who is sleeping soundly will become irritated if someone tosses them over and over like they are spreading pancakes. But she should never twist around at this time...

Sure enough, the man who originally had 0.01% of his self-control had even his last bit of patience worn away by her.

He lowered his head and kissed her——

Chi Enen is like a small boat sailing in the sea, swaying and rising.

She slept extremely uneasily, and she shouldn't be too hot as she was swaying in the sea. But she didn't know why. She was so hot in her dream that she wanted to jump into the sea to cool down.

Fortunately, she remembered that she couldn't swim, otherwise she would have jumped off.

It was too hot to sleep at the back, but she was still tormented and slowly opened her eyes.

It was still dark all around.

You can still hear the sound of waves crashing on the rocks outside.

In the unlit bedroom of the presidential suite, she heard a muffled hum. Suddenly, she felt a chill, and her nightgown seemed to have been unbuttoned and taken off.

Her brain froze for a second, unable to realize what was going on.

When she saw the man's eyes, which were still as bright as a cheetah in the dark night, she was dumbfounded.

She twisted her wrist, trying to block him, "Li Beijue, what are you doing?"

"You!" The man who buried his head in her neck realized that she was awake and had no intention of being caught. Instead, he blocked her lips fiercely.

The night is still very long...

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