There was a sound of "click".

When the flash flashed, Chi Enen was startled and subconsciously raised her head.

"What are you doing?"

The arrogant man calmly put away his phone, in a good mood, "Nothing."

He changed the subject, not giving Chi Enen a chance to ask again, and said, "Huo Yi also found some fireworks, do you want to set them off together?"

Setting off fireworks at the beach.

Chi Enen had nothing to do anyway, so she agreed, "Okay."

Li Beijue asked someone to prepare.

The two walked to the beach together.

Chi Enen didn't realize that she was easily diverted away from the diversion force.


On the official Instagram of the Li family chaebol, a newly updated photo caused an uproar.

It turned out that on the official blog that was always high and cold, the official updated a beautiful black and white photo.

The little woman in the photo hung her head at a 45° angle, and her bright eyes looked at the fairy wand in her hand. The fairy wand emitted a bright light in the night, like a blooming little star. The person in the photo seemed to be very curious about the light of the fairy wand, stretched out his hand, and gently touched it... The picture was frozen at this second.

The composition of the whole picture is beautiful, and it can be seen how much effort the person who took the photo put in.

And judging from the person's dress, this is an obvious home vacation photo, and it can also be inferred who took this photo.

The major public accounts were in an uproar.

You know, now all the media still thought that this newlywed couple who had just got married and attracted global attention had not left Country W.

As a result, they actually went out under the eyes of a large number of paparazzi who were chasing and blocking them, and it seemed that they had been out for more than a day.

Taking advantage of this wave of heat, many media public accounts followed up with new reports.

In the voice of envy and blessing.

A discordant voice suddenly emerged.

I don’t know which public account started, but the news that Chi Enen lost her voice suddenly spread on the Internet.

At first, everyone still regarded it as a random report to attract attention. Later, the more they said it, the more it seemed. Some people really believed that Chi Enen had an accident during her honeymoon and lost her voice due to stimulation.

As a result, Ryan's stock began to fall.

Although Ryan immediately issued a solemn statement. ,

But that statement became a cover-up amid the growing rumors. Even the official Instagram photo that was previously envied was deliberately interpreted by some media as a trick to cover up Chi Enen's injury.

For a while, all kinds of rumors came out.

The next morning.

The glimmer of dawn just shone on the sea level, and Li Beijue kissed the person who was sleeping soundly last night because he was too tired. He got up and walked into the bathroom barefoot.

"Hua La La..." After taking a bath, he went out in a bathrobe with a refreshed look.

The mobile phone in the living room rang at this time.

Li Beijue walked over, bent down to pick up the phone, looked at the caller ID, and answered it.


"Beijue, have you read the news online?"

It was the voice of Mr. Li.

Li Beijue subconsciously frowned, "What news?"

"En En, the Internet said that En En lost his voice. Is it true?"

Grandpa Li's voice was as oppressive as ever, but under that kind of oppression, one could hear the deep concern he was hiding.

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