Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2230 Already arrived in country W

How did she get on the plane? Why doesn't she feel anything?

The water glass in Chi Enen's hand was taken away, and she realized the pain in her muscles all over her body.


She now not only suffers from back pain, she feels like her waist is about to break!

She remembered that she couldn't bear it anymore last night and finally fell asleep.

And then, he continues?

Chi Enen's cheeks couldn't help but feel hot as he thought of the fiery scene last night. She quickly swept away the bloody scenes from her mind, looked around again, and opened her mouth and said, "Where are Chi Baobao and the others?"

"They are still in Mauritius." Li Beijue took her water glass and put it aside. Then he found a candy from somewhere and peeled it open. "Open your mouth."

He forced a fruit candy into Chi Enen's mouth.

The sweet fruity fragrance immediately spreads between the lips and teeth...

The arrogant man continued, "Si Chen will bring them back on tonight's flight."

"Um..." Chi Enen took a sip of fruit candy and asked subconsciously, "How about just the two of us going back first?"

Since they want to go back, why don't they take Baby Chi with them?

Chi Enen thought they were in Mauritius. This was the airport in Mauritius. She had just been carried onto the plane by Li Beijue...

She was still thinking about how she was carried by this man, boarded the yacht, returned to Mauritius, and went all the way to the airport without waking up.

Little did he know that Li Beijue arranged a private jet and flew directly from the island back to Country W.

She neither changed to a yacht nor a car. She was carried onto the plane by the princess who was always cautious. The flight attendants on the plane were ordered to keep quiet. It was normal that she did not wake up.

"We've arrived!" Li Beijue announced the fact calmly, "We've been at W Airport for two hours. From getting on the plane, to taking off, to coming back, you slept for a full eight hours!"

The plane had arrived long ago and parked at the airport.

The reason why they never got off the plane was because she hadn't woken up yet.

Because she didn't wake up, the crew, flight attendants, and people sent by the old man to pick her up were all waiting quietly. They had been waiting for two hours...

But no one dared to disturb her sleep.

"We have arrived in country W? Did I sleep for 8... hours?" Chi Enen's temples suddenly jumped, "Why didn't you call me? I don't even know..."

Don't know about coming back.

Didn't know it had arrived.

"You are sleeping, why should I call you?" Li Beijue gave the reason as a matter of course, as if it was a big deal for her to sleep. The eagle's eyes suddenly narrowed, and a hint of darkness flashed in the depths of his bottomless eyes, "Except for what happened last night, when did I ever wake you up while you were sleeping?"

Chi Enen, "..." Didn't she wake up from him last night when she was sleeping soundly, and then got out of control...

He actually had the nerve to say it, and she was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to say.

at this time.

Li Beijue's cell phone rang.

He glanced down at the caller ID and said to Chi Enen, "Get up when you wake up. The old man's people have been waiting for you outside for a long time. You go back first. The old man heard about the elevator and is worried about you. . I have to go to the company first and I have something to take care of. I’ll come back to pick you up.”

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