Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2232 Waiting for her for more than two hours

"Ever since the old Lord was poisoned last time, his appetite has not been very good. He didn't eat much today." The old butler is such a smart person. As soon as she opened her mouth, he guessed what Chi Enen was thinking and immediately said respectfully. , "Do you want the young lady to make tomato egg noodles for the old master? The old master will be very happy. The old master actually likes to eat the tomato egg noodles made by the young lady."

"Well, I'll do it first. It will be done soon." That's what Chi Enen thought. She was really worried about Mr. Li's health, not trying to gain performance.

"Old housekeeper, please go back and tell grandpa for me first. I'll go to the kitchen to make tomato egg noodles for grandpa, and I'll be here soon."

The old housekeeper was happy to see her caring about Mr. Li and immediately agreed, "Okay."

Don't look at how powerful the old Sir Alex has been in his life.

But whether it’s the Second Young Master, the Young Master, or Miss Qiyun... I won’t talk about it. Normally when they get along, they are either serious or talking about business affairs in a rigid manner. In fact, the old Sir Alex is also old. No matter how strong he is, he is still an ordinary old man. Perhaps what really impressed the young lady was the bowl of tomato and egg noodles.

It’s not that the noodles are delicious, but that they are very warm…

Chi Enen didn't know what the old housekeeper was thinking. She hurried to the kitchen without even changing her clothes.

Roll up the sleeves of your pajamas, wash your hands, and start cutting tomatoes and frying eggs.

In no time, a homemade tomato egg noodle was ready.

She sprinkled the steaming noodles with chopped green onions, fiery red tomatoes and golden eggs, creating a picture that was both delicious and delicious.

Chi Enen picked one out with chopsticks and tasted it. Because it was for the elderly, her taste was relatively light and the noodles were cooked soft.

She tried it, put down her chopsticks, and completed the crescent moon with her eyes, "Done."

The servant who followed her immediately said, "Young lady, the bowl is very hot. I'll take it."

Chi Enen thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay."

There happened to be some tomatoes left, and she wanted to cut them into slices and sprinkle them with sugar to make sugar tomato slices.

Nono likes to eat this.

After eating the noodles, eat two more sour and sweet tomato slices, which can adjust the saltiness below.

Chi Enen did it as he said and got it done in a few clicks.

What she makes are the simplest and most homely gadgets, and she doesn't like to arrange dishes like the seven-star chefs of the Li family. She just puts them on the plate directly, so it doesn't take much time. .

After she finished these two things, she carried the plate and walked to the living room where Mr. Li often stayed...

The living room is large.

As soon as she entered, she saw several personal doctors standing there awkwardly, and the old housekeeper who smiled kindly at her.

As for Mr. Li sitting on the sofa.

Even with that powerful aura, no one could ignore it.

"Come back?" Mr. Li looked her up and down from the moment she entered the door. He was obviously concerned, and his face was still solemn and he frowned, making it impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

Chi Enen put the white sugar tomato slices in front of him. The servant who was following Chi Enen also put down the steaming tomato egg noodles. Under the strong pressure of Mr. Li, he immediately stepped aside respectfully and lowered his voice. He kept his head down and didn't dare to speak.

"I heard from the old housekeeper that you have had a bad appetite these past two days. I made tomato egg noodles for you. Grandpa, please eat some."

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