Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2242 She wants to take the initiative to find him

But the content of the words was as ruthless as the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves!

Jin Nan didn't know his friend yet, and knew that his friend was angry. He quickly responded to the waiter beside him and ordered, "Notify the security and drag the person out. Tell the people outside who are responsible for checking the invitation letters that if they let in inexplicable people again, they won't have to do it!"

"Boss Jin, I didn't sneak in, I'm Li..." She stopped talking abruptly, looked at Chi Enen who was cold and expressionless beside her with fear, and swallowed the rest of the words.

Chi Enen pretended not to hear the boss Li that she almost blurted out just now, and maintained the appearance that the daughter of Habsburg should have.

The security came in quickly, without giving Lin Nai any face, two people lifted her up on the left and right, and quickly dragged her out.

Ten seconds later.

There was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Then, the reporters and paparazzi who had not yet dispersed outside turned on their flashlights and took pictures of Lin Nai who was thrown out.

Linna was suddenly thrown onto the red carpet. Before she could get up, she saw countless malicious reporters taking photos of her embarrassing appearance. She was anxious, angry, and panicked. She covered her face with her hands and shouted loudly, "Stop taking photos, stop taking photos, no photos!"


The noise outside could still be vaguely heard in the banquet.

Jin Nan, however, seemed to be unconcerned. He stood up in a suit and said to the others, "Sorry, I disturbed everyone. An 18th-tier celebrity just sneaked into the banquet to cause trouble. The security has thrown him out now. It's not a big deal. Don't worry about it. Let's continue."

After whispering for a while, the others started to greet and socialize with their own people.

It seemed that Linna was just a piece of garbage that was cleared out and didn't fit in. It was not worth their attention at all.

Chi Enen had been absent-minded since Lin Nai was thrown out. After writing 80 million and Ryan's name on the donation form, she found Quan Dongting, whispered a few words in his ear, and quietly left the hotel.

Chi Enen went through the side door, and there were not so many reporters surrounding her outside.

She called the driver in advance, and when she came out, the driver had already driven the car outside to wait for her.

"Miss." As soon as he saw her come out, the driver immediately opened the door for her.

"Thank you."

Chi Enen got in.

After the driver closed the door for her, he went around to the front and turned back to ask respectfully, "Miss, where are we going now..."

Chi Enen was still thinking about what Lin Nai said. Hearing this, she pursed her lips and said, "Let's go to Li's headquarters." She wanted to take the initiative to find him, not wait for him to come back at home.


The driver didn't know what happened inside, he just obeyed the order.

The car left the hotel and drove steadily towards the Li headquarters. The scenery on both sides rushed backwards. Chi Enen looked down at the phone in her hand, thought about it, and sent a text message to the person in the address book. After the message showed that it was sent OK, she leaned back on the sofa chair with a headache. Just like she told Lin Nai, she didn't believe that Li Beijue and Lin Nai had anything, but Lin Nai dared to show off in front of her, which at least showed that Li Beijue was really with her these days. In addition to the fact that Li Beijue came back very late these days, she didn't want to think too much, but she still felt uncomfortable.

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