Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2248 His calm look is so scary

There was a low tone in his voice, and there was no hint of any displeasure on his part.

Out of intuition, Chi Enen did not interrupt the whole process and quietly ate his own food. At most, he would occasionally raise his head secretly to observe the changes in the expression of the man opposite him.

But no matter how she looked at it, Li Beijue looked too normal!

It was as if nothing had happened and he was completely lifeless.

But she didn't answer his call, and the phone couldn't get through. With this man's character, how could he not be angry?

If he wasn't angry, he wouldn't be here!

Now that Li Beijue has chased his uncle to his villa, what does it mean? It means that he is very angry! A man who was very angry and had always had his own way in front of her suddenly seemed like a different person, acting calm and not angry at all. This problem was bigger than his anger itself.

Chi Enen couldn't guess what he was thinking.

I have no appetite for eating either.

After only eating a few bites, he kept poking at the steak with his knife and fork, slowly waiting for them to chat and eat.

Until the meal is finished.

Quan Dongting just sent the two of them out together.

Before they got in the car, Quan Dongting's mature and steady face gained a hint of seriousness, and he suddenly said something careless to the arrogant man, "Remember what you promised me before."

"I remember."

The trace of seriousness on Quan Dongting's face disappeared in an instant, and he returned to his normal appearance. He patted Chi Enen's shoulder and said gently, "Well, remember to tell me when you get there. I will stay in country W for a while. Time, if you have nothing to do, you can bring Baby Chi and the others to come and play with me.”

Chi Enen didn't notice that when Quan Dongting said this, Li Beijue narrowed his eagle eyes and clenched his fists, suppressing the storm in his eyes.

"Okay." Chi Enen didn't see it, so he agreed quickly.

After receiving her answer, Quan Dongting smiled and let go, "Okay, it's already very late. You can go back. Be safe on the road. Remember to send me a message when you get home."

"Well, uncle, don't worry."

"I'll go in first. The company has a meeting waiting for me, so I won't send you off."

"You go and do your work first, don't worry about us."

Quan Dongting went in.

In a blink of an eye, the driver, her and Li Beijue were the only three people left outside the villa.

The feeling of a stone pressing on Chi Enen's heart came up again. She opened her mouth, but before she could tell him to get in the car, someone grabbed her wrist fiercely!

He held it tight!

With such force, Chi Enen suspected that he was trying to break his wrist!

Although it hurt a little, she endured it, pursed her lips, and looked at him, waiting for him to ask herself.

However, something unexpected happened.

Although Li Beijue tightened his grip on her wrist, he only held it for a few seconds. After a few seconds, he acted like a normal person again, let go of her hand, passed her first, opened the car door, and said, "Get in the car."

Chi Enen was confused by his actions. She quietly turned her pinched wrist and got into the car.

Along the way, the man sitting next to him would tighten his jaw and not say a word.

The kind of person who is obviously very angry but insists on maintaining calm. But it's not his character. The more depressed he is, the more the aura surrounding him makes people's hearts beat wildly.

Just when Chi Enen could hardly hold it in any longer and took the initiative to explain to him, the car drove into Country Garden——

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