Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2257 Someone came to Mr. Li and said that you asked her to come.

After Chi Baobao took the last bite of the fried dough sticks, he picked up the cup, drank all the soy milk, put the cup down, and wiped his mouth, "I'm full."

He stood up from the chair, glanced at the man next to him casually, and asked, "Is Chi Enen still sleeping?"

"She is still sleeping, don't disturb her, let her wake up naturally." Li Beijue changed from yesterday's depressed and gloomy look, and his brows became a little more dignified and cold.

Just by looking at him like this, Chi Baobao could probably guess that they had reconciled, and said "oh" in a longer tone. Tell him, "Then I'll ask Uncle Huo to take me to school."

His wife had promised to send him to school on the first day of school, but she let him go again.

Too bad.

But forget it.

Yesterday, his woman had a conflict with Mr. Wang next door. Due to Mr. Wang's bad temper, his woman must have gone to bed very late, so she couldn't get up this morning.

No matter how precocious Chi Baobao is, he is still just a ten-year-old child. What he wants to sleep is just lying on the same bed, covered with quilts and just chatting.

He felt that Chi Enen couldn't get up because he chatted too late and couldn't get up.

"I wonder when Uncle Huo will come over? I'll give him a call."

"I'll take you there." Li Beijue interrupted him at this time and said suddenly.

"You?" Chi Baobao was stunned for a moment.

The man at the dining table raised his eagle eyes and glanced at him, "You don't want me to give it away?"

"..." Chi Baobao was a little embarrassed. He didn't want to let Mr. Wang next door deliver it, but he just felt it was weird. "...No. Aren't you very busy? Why don't you let Uncle Huo..."

"I have a meeting this morning. I need to get to the company early, so I can see you off. Go change clothes. It's almost time. I'll see you there."

Li Beijue interrupted him and made arrangements domineeringly.

Although Chi Baobao was not particularly happy, she still put on her big slippers and went back to her room to change clothes.

By the time he came out after changing his clothes, Li Beijue had also finished his breakfast.

One big and one small, one after another, went out the door.

"Mr. Li, young master, walk slowly. Be careful on the road." Qiao Yimo greeted them.


Chi Baobao gave her face and returned her favor. As for Li Beijue, he had already turned away from his arrogant figure.

Li Beijue said that it was a smooth road.

After he sent Chi Baobao to school, he got in the car and returned to the company.

In Li's headquarters, the special assistant and the others have been waiting for a long time.

As soon as he came out of the electric adjustment, several people immediately gathered around him.

"Mr. Li, here is your schedule for today."

"Mr. Li, the meeting will start in three minutes. Do you need to prepare? Do I need to tell them to wait for a moment?"

"Mr. Li, someone came to see Mr. Li and said that you asked her to come. After I called Butler Huo, I arranged for someone to wait in your office. You see..."

Several people rushed to report what they needed to report at the same time, waiting for the tall and powerful man's arrangements.

"Looking for me?" As soon as Li Beijue said this, he seemed to have remembered something. He frowned and looked obviously unhappy.

This made Xu Tesuke's heart beat fast, thinking that he had done something wrong and shouldn't be allowed to stay.

But he asked Butler Huo, and Butler Huo said that the man was indeed called by Mr. Li to come to the company to wait for him.

Li Beijue's expression was indeed very impatient. He pursed his thin lips and said, "Tell the people in the conference room that the meeting will be postponed for half an hour."

"Yes." The secretary hurriedly went to do it.

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