"Who said I was going to call her? Noisy!"

He was a little irritated by Lin Nai's pretentious performance just now, and he also wanted to hear that woman's voice. But he was still unhappy when someone said it directly.

Huo Yi said with a smile, "I thought the Lord missed the young lady and wanted to call the young lady, but I misunderstood."

Damn it, who gave him the courage? Did Chi Enen lend him the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's heart? !

Li Beijue's eagle eyes narrowed when he was teased, and he said solemnly, "I see you really want to go to Country S to exercise?"

Huo Yi immediately apologized, "Sir, I was too talkative."

He didn't want to let Huo Yi go easily. He thought that Chi Enen and the two little guys liked Huo Yi very much. When the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back and said, "There will be no next time!"

"Yes, Sir."

"Continue to monitor and let me know after the car drives away."

He just wanted to show the other party that the person inside was really 'Chi Enen'.

But even if he was acting, he could hardly control his impatience.

Huo Yi was right.

He missed that woman now.

They had only been separated for a few hours, but he was already missing her!

"Okay, Sir."


On the other side, in Country Garden.

Chi Enen had no idea what was happening outside.

She opened her eyes with difficulty, got up, washed and changed her clothes, and then left the room as if she were wandering.

Qiao Yimo was already cleaning the house. When he saw her getting up, he quickly poured a glass of milk for her and handed it to her, "Young madam, your face looks a little pale. It's because you didn't rest last night, okay? Do you want to go again?" Take a nap?"

Not only did Chi Enen not have a good rest last night, she didn't sleep at all! Thinking of this, her waist hurt terribly.

She rubbed her waist with her right hand, took the milk from Qiao Yimo, walked to the sofa, shook her head and said, "It's okay, I won't sleep anymore. I've slept for too long and I can't fall asleep tonight."

She sat down, raised her head and drank the milk.

As soon as I put down the cup, my phone rang.

It was a call from Quan Dongting.

Chi Enen immediately put the phone to his ear, "Hey, uncle. Well, there was no quarrel. Well, I have already explained it to him. Well, don't worry."

She quickly hung up the phone.

I remembered what happened yesterday.

The matter of not receiving Li Beijue's call yesterday was over, but she forgot to ask him about Lin Nai's matter.

Chi Enen thought of what Lin Nai said to her in a arrogant manner yesterday, frowned, and pondered for a moment. He picked up the bag on the side and said to Qiao Yimo, "I'm going out for a while. Nono is up. Please take care of her."

"Okay. Madam."

As Chi Enen went out, he called Haas and asked Haas to come over.

Then he got off the car, called a taxi, and drove to Li's headquarters——

20 minutes later, she arrived at Li's headquarters.

She originally wanted to call Li Beijue first, but she was afraid that he would be in a meeting and disturb him.

Chi Enen thought that she was here anyway, so she simply didn't make the unnecessary phone call and got on the elevator to the 88th floor.

Li's headquarters still looks familiar to her.

Chi Enen didn't think too much, walked through the splendid corridor and went straight to the president's office——

Just halfway through, she suddenly heard a familiar name.

There seemed to be a few people hiding in the corner of the corridor, gossiping and chatting.

Just as she was about to walk by, she suddenly heard someone saying, "Who is the woman who came to see Mr. Li this morning? She looks a bit like the CEO's wife, do you think so?"

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