Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2268 Sir, that car is ready to leave

Chi Enen originally wanted to say no, but after thinking about it, he said, "Okay, I'm sorry to bother you."

"No trouble, Madam, wait a moment."

Ten minutes later, Chi Enen got into the special car and left Li's headquarters...

at the same time.

There was also movement at the hotel.

The car that had been following them moved. Huo Yi, who was lying in wait outside, immediately sent a message to Li Beijue.

"Sir, the car seems to be leaving."

"Let people follow!"

"Don't worry, Sir, I have already arranged a vehicle specifically to follow him according to your instructions."

"I'll get down right away. As soon as the car drives away, pick me up at the door of the hotel!"


Just as they were talking, the black car hidden in the shadow of the treetops on the street corner suddenly started. Huo Yi told the pursuers to prepare for tracking while reporting to the man on the other side of the receiver, "Sir, that car The car drove away..."

"I'm already on the first floor, drive over."

Huo Yi immediately told the driver, "Drive the car to the door."

"Yes." The driver stepped on the accelerator and swerved to the door of the hotel.

I saw a dark shadow opening the car door and getting in the car instantly.


Low and dull.

Who is this voice if it's not Li Beijue?

Huo Yi didn't expect that he would change his clothes, put on a hat and sunglasses and make a simple disguise. When he saw him taking off his sunglasses, he was stunned, "Sir, what are you doing?"

"Are you sure that the hotel is full of our people and there are no spies from the other side? Just in case, just to prepare. I don't want to fight an uncertain battle. I waste so much time just to get the fish to take the bait. It's not easy to do this. A slippery fish is hooked. How can I let it escape if I don’t turn it into a minced pepper fish head?”

He took off his hat and stretched out his hand towards Huo Yi, "Give me the computer."

"Yes." Huo Yi handed him the laptop, which contained maps and surveillance of streets throughout the city.

"The license plate number of that car."


Li Beijue entered a series of codes into the system with his slender fingers, and soon several small windows popped up. While he was typing on the keyboard attentively, he calmly ordered, "Let the following car follow the other party carefully, and don't let the other party discover it."

"Yes, sir. I've told them this a long time ago. I told them that if the other party finds out, don't alert the enemy and turn to the nearest fork immediately."

"How many vehicles have you arranged to track?"


The quantity is neither too much nor too little. It is the safest and least likely to be discovered amount.

"Only one car followed him from the beginning, and the other cars followed him at the intersection out of the hotel. In this way, even if the other party suspected that a car was following them, they would not expect that there would be other cars."

Li Beijue raised his head and glanced at him, then touched his thin lips and said, "Well done!"

Huo Yi smiled happily and said immediately, "Thank you, Sir."

Li Beijue lowered his head and continued to focus on the computer's tracking.

Ten minutes later, the other car overtook the first car.

In the next hour and a half, the car circled Li's headquarters three times as if on purpose.

As a last resort, the other three tracking cars had no choice but to drive into the fork in the road.

After all, the other party has already made three rounds. If they continue to follow, they will be easily discovered.

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