His eyes were fixed on the man in the wheelchair, and he was almost certain that that person was the man behind the scenes!

His expression was as cold as Siberian air, and there seemed to be fire in his eyes. He quietly clenched his fists and squeezed them tightly.

damn it.

God knows how much he wants to just scoop up the gun and shoot that man, but no, he must at least find out the identity of the other person, and if he wants to solve it, he can directly attack the other person's lair, instead of just solving one person and giving the other person a chance to revive. Chance.

"Yes." Huo Yi's heartbeat was pounding. He also realized that the mysterious man behind the scenes finally appeared.

He picked up his phone, adjusted the camera, pointed it at the other person's face and took a picture.

As soon as he finished taking the photo, the other person seemed to suddenly notice something and turned his head sharply, looking through the crowd and looking at their car!

"Huo Yi, are you done filming?"

"Caught it."

Li Beijue's eyes met with the other person's in mid-air, and with just one glance, Li Beijue immediately said, "Turn the car around and get ready to leave!"

He was sure that the other party had discovered them!

Although he didn't know how the other party discovered their existence.

But with that glance in mid-air, he was extremely sure that the other party had seen them.

Being discovered at this time is definitely not a safe thing.

The driver also realized the danger, immediately started the vehicle and turned around. At this time, the man in the wheelchair also said something to Aos with a cold face. Aos also looked over and opened his mouth to order something.

Because of the distance, Huo Yi couldn't hear what the other party said.

Their car had quickly turned around, and just as they were about to drive out of the alley, gunshots rang out behind them——

"Damn it! Get down!"

Before Huo Yi understood what was going on, he had already been knocked down.

Then, he heard a muffled sound.

Thick blood flowed down his neck, and he was shocked, "Sir, are you injured?"

"Don't stand up, hurry up, drive!"


The driver also heard the gunfire and stepped on the accelerator desperately, and the car flew away like an arrow from a string.

As they were about to exit the intersection, two cars suddenly stopped in front of them.

The driver didn't know what to do, "Sir, what should we do now?"

Li Beijue pressed his bleeding shoulder with one hand, supported him up, and said coldly, "Bump him over!"


There were gunshots behind him, and the other party was obviously chasing after him.

If you don't leave, it will be too late.

The driver gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, stepped on the accelerator, and drove off with a bang——

There was a violent 'bang' sound, and the car body shook violently. The two cars in front of them were knocked open, and the car drove out of the intersection and hit the railing of the intersection.

If the driver hadn't stepped on the brakes and turned the steering wheel at the most critical moment, and they had hit each other so firmly, the car might have exploded.

Fortunately, the collision was not too severe. After the driver was briefly stunned by the impact, he immediately drove the smoking car and drove down the road very fast...

Huo Yi also got up, picked up the walkie-talkie, and dispatched the bodyguards who were not far away to come over.

After all this was done, he put away the phone and helped the pale man up, full of self-blame, "Sir, I'm sorry, I'll take you to the hospital right away!"

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