Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2277 I want her to fail in this commercial

"Just because I'm not doing it now doesn't mean I'm free. Even if I'm free, it doesn't mean I'm free for you." Chi Enen is not the kind of person who likes to cause trouble, but he is not afraid of trouble either. She didn't need to give face to the other party who kept provoking trouble again and again. "Besides, it seems that it has nothing to do with you whether I am a staff member of the TV station or not. Judging from your dress, you are not the leader of the TV station. You need to find someone." Clean your shoes, go out to the city center and see if you can find it here, I’m afraid you’re in the wrong place.”

After Chi Enen finished speaking, he was too lazy to talk nonsense to her, opened the door of the studio and went in.

The female star watched her go in, her beautiful face contorted with anger, and without taking a breath, she slapped the female assistant next to her, "Are you happy to see me embarrassed? Ah, isn't it?"

The female assistant next to her was slapped unexpectedly, and tears almost came out, "No, I didn't."

"Why are you crying? There are cameras pointing at you here? Who do you want to perform for?" The female star was angry and spoke with a gun and a stick.

The female assistant was suddenly so frightened that she didn't even dare to cry. She endured the burning pain on her face, lowered her head, and didn't dare to say a word.

"Look at you like that. How could I agree to my agent to let you be my assistant? You just don't look smart!" The more the female star looked at her, the more displeased she became, and her words became even more rude, "I was just raped When someone bullies you, are you mute and can’t say a word?”

"I do not know what to say……"

It was originally her fault. She wanted to bully others because they looked beautiful. As a result, I kicked an iron plate. Who is to blame?

The female assistant only dared to think this in her heart and did not dare to miss a word with her mouth.

"Damn it, I've never been this angry before! After all, it's all Lin Anxin's fault! If she hadn't snatched my endorsement, would I have been so unlucky? No, I will never be this angry in vain!" Female The star was so angry that he was shaking all over, clenching his teeth tightly, and said fiercely, "Isn't she filming an advertisement? I will stop her from filming! If you have the ability to grab advertisements, you should have thought that this day would come!"

"Miss Linna, what do you want to do?" When the female assistant heard her say this, her heart was in her throat, for fear that she would cause trouble.

Lina pulled her away and shouted angrily, "Get out of the way!"

"I'm just chatting with the juniors, nothing else."

"But Miss Linna, you can't go. This advertisement is..."

She was only halfway through her words when Lina's face turned even more ugly. She glared at the female assistant almost angrily, "This advertisement originally belonged to me! So does the man! I've been putting up with it for a long time. It's a good thing she didn't steal my advertisement." , she stole my advertisement, why should I not say a word? Do you think I am one of those little stars? With my current status in the entertainment industry, what should I be afraid of? It’s not like there is no one behind me. ”


She lifted the assistant off with one hand and walked towards the studio...

The group of people following her could only follow in a hurry...

In the studio.

Lin Anxin has put on makeup and changed clothes, and is chatting with Chi Enen to ease her nervousness.

Suddenly, a group of people cheering came up to her.

Shanni, who was communicating with the director at the side, saw that something was wrong, so she quickly walked over and stood in front of Chi Enen and Lin Anxin. She looked at the person and raised her eyebrows with a professional smile, "It turns out to be Miss Linna." , Miss Linna is also recording a program on the TV station today?"

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